The horror, the horror…
Yes, that’s right- the horror of NHS job applications.
I admit, I thought the job sounded quite interesting on the job centre website where I originally found it. I had to ring them to ask how to apply which is fine; but then I eventually (after having to tell them everything about where I live, my phone number whether I am currently employed etc etc.) found out I had to apply online. That’s sort of fine and sort of not.
You spend forever perfecting a CV only for it to prove useless because you have to fill in a dumbass form online when you have none of the information you need directly to hand and they want to know everything about you. Considering that every company on the face of the Earth claims to be an Equal Opportunity employer how come they need to know your age, your sex, your sexual orientation, your religion etc etc. Surely having to mention any of this negates the idea of it being an equal basis for employing people means they will form some sort of opinion/bias about you- especially as this is what you have to fill in at the start of the form before anything regarding your qualifications experience or interests.
I really want a new job and I have good reasons for doing so; perhaps I being overly picky I just feel somethings are private and it is uneccessary to have to mention them on a form when you might not even get an interview. I don’t think I have enough experience for the job anyway, going to the website where it had a more in-depth job description made me think it’s a bit out of my league- no, a lot out of my league.
I don’t want to complete the application form because it has already pissed me off and in all honesty doesn’t bode well for the rest of the job! Bleugh…
Whys is nothing ever just straighforward….
That does seem rather contradictory.
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Job hunting is the hell.
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Yeah, I tend to feel that way about application forms.. That’s why I ended up bining the last one I got :/
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In the US, they can not ask those questions on an application.
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