I wonder if psychics do know anything really…?





‘Honey, planets are showing results after hard work. The possibility of receiving positive news regarding your professional life is quite high during this week’

So says the daft psychic random generator thing I consult on a sporadic basis, just for a laugh really. Hmmm, well I hope the news is better than last week- ha! Didn’t get either of the jobs I applied for and the second rejection was just a cringy as the first really. I give a great interview apparently but my experience just isn’t quite enough…! I bloody hope someone sees that I might have something more to offer soon…


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August 21, 2010

You have plenty to offer..someone will notice soon…and hiring you will be the best decision they ever made.. RYN: Thanks for your kind notes…

September 10, 2010

Hoping the days are getting better..

November 4, 2010

Got my fingers crossed for you. Take care.