Before work




I don’t think I have ever written in here so early before but I was up early as I couldn’t sleep for feeling ill. It’s not coz I went out last night either! I have felt a bit ill since the weekend. I suppose last night didn’t help much either.

I had a crap time anyway- the guy I liked and who seemed to like me last week – a lot- turns out to be a little unsure about his sexuality. Thats fine but I wish he had mentioned it earlier and perhaps in a nicer way than he did!!! If people don’t actually want to go out with you wouldn’t it be nice if they just said- ‘sorry but I got a bit carried away the other night and I am not really looking for anything right now…am a terrible drunk’ or something along those lines… ick I am just fed up  and now I have to go to work when I feel like shit- look like it too I hasten to add. I can’t eat anything and I know I am going to regret that in a couple of hours but at the minute it might not remain where it is supposed to.

Oh dear another thrilling day awaits me in a job I hate…

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March 5, 2008

Sorry you are having a tough time. HOpe things get better FAST! Take care.