After that interlude!
I have had a pretty busy couple of weeks at work, yesterday I even went in early (7am- yes thats right, 7am…) in order to get more work done.
It seems like the more I do the more they throw at me- large chunks of it being other peoples work I hasten to add. As one of my colleagues stated ‘If your face fits…’ mine obviously fits the ‘she looks like a willing horse’ category. One of the people I work with seems to be getting out of more and more because she so busy… I am not sure she is busy- don’t get me wrong she’s a lovely gal but she does seem able to wiggle her way out of stuff when other folks can’t seem to and get all her excess chucked at them- I’m not bitter… honestly…
That is pretty much how I ended up feeling yesterday and I was so tired today, that when I got home my housemate kept asking me if I was alright (he is usually too tired himself to notice).
My housemate is out tonight so I am taking the opportunity to hog the computer and listen to the Mutton Birds as well as other such music that my housemate finds very boring and usually complains about excessively, before he bores me to tears with dance music and kylie.
Don’t get me wrong dance music has it’s place… but it’s usually quite far away from me!
I don’t think I’m a pretentious person about music and I happily listen to that sort of thing when I’m out and about but it’s not really music for indoors- I tend to like my music a little more meaningful really.
I shouldn’t grumble about other genres.
I got rather annoyed reading music reviews on a website the other day, because some people only seem to like music when it’s still a bit underground or exclusive and as soon as it gets a bit popular or mainstream then those people that previously raved about them suddenly seem to have developed an aversion to them and they waffle on about how the new albums just aren’t a patch on when they only had two fans and played their music to empty pubs! You’d think they would want the bands they like to be popular and successful appreciated by lots and lots of peopl and actually be able to make a bit of money in order to carry on with their music- it’s like their popularity has a direct reflection on the quality of their output! You can’t win ’em all I guess. I could ramble on about this for a while but I will try not to!
I’ll listen to anything but at the moment it’s Mutton Birds and The Polyphonic Spree ( they make me want to join their cult… not sure if I should be afraid about that). I like to sing and skip about the house when there is no one about.
In fact… thats what I’m off to do!!!