



Nuthin much to say really! Apart from the fact I am still a bit of a saddo in that I keep an eye on my unrequited’s (thats how I shall refer to him) football team- who happened to draw to today – which is good news for them as they are not very good.

 My mate at work thinks it’s funny because my unrequited also keeps an eye on my team…

I know nothing will ever be where he is concerned but it is funny how we do such stupid things and get on so well. Often (read most days) he has emailed me before I have ever even gotten to work…

Anyway I keep buying shoes to cheer myself up- I got these today 

 and I have ordered these



Pretty shoes huh?
Anyway I better go because my housemate is back tomorrow and the house needs a bit of a tidy up!</

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April 2, 2008

Susie would so love those shoes! Take care.