the apathy train…

Apathy hits hard around this time of year. After this week, we’ve got two weeks of school left… if that. Shit… now that I look at it, we’ve got pretty much ONE week left! Fuck. I’m not gonna be able to do a lot of shit I wanted to do. God, I fucked this semester up so badly. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I need to do some grading this week, so the kids have their papers in hand as they head for their final exams. God damn… thinking about this has me really depressed.


Next semester will be better. Really.

I have to write about something else now.


I can’t think.

Ummm… let’s see… I didn’t wear a coat today… that’s a big landmark… first day of the season that’s happened. Cuz… you know…

it’s like…



Oh… here’s a weird thing… my daughter is all of a sudden totally freaked out over tornadoes, of all things. She’s eating dinner last night and she says… “Mommy… can tornadoes open doors?” And my wife says, “Well a tornado is like a big swirly wind, and we don’t really have them around here, and they don’t usually go near houses, but yes sometimes they can blow open doors,” and my daughter FLIPS OUT! ”EVEN DOORS THAT ARE INSIDE YOUR HOUSE?!? WHAT ABOUT MY DOOR??”… she’s getting totally hysterical, and we have to spend the next 20 minutes dragging out maps and shit showing her what parts of the country have lots of tornadoes and where we live and where grandma and grandpa live and promising that we’ll never move to Kansas or Nebraska and assuring her that we only have safe weather here like rain and snow. Jesus. And I think it was a combination of things that set it off. First, there is an episode of “Elmo’s World” on Sesame Street where Elmo is learning about weather an where he “talks to a tornado,” which is this weird grey anthropomorphic Muppetized tornado with eyes and a mouth that I have to admit is a little creepy. So I think the “opening doors” question came from that… like she thinks they can come INSIDE your house or something. But she also asked if they can really pick up cars, and that comes from a toy of hers. She’s got a Fisher Price “Rescue Heroes” action figure… something we NEVER would have bought in a million years… it was a gift… “Wendy Waters” the female firefighter. Irritating fucking toy. ”Wendy Waters, I read you… Over… Do you copy? Over…. Roger… Over…Roger…Do you copy?” Anyway, so she talks, but she also has this big communications backpack with a little mock TV screen that has an “animation” of a tornado picking up cars. So, yeah… that’s what’s behind it, although I still don’t know what “triggered” it last night. Whatever… we finally managed to settle her down. I’m just waiting for the first National Weather Service tornado warning when she learns that we LIED to her about NEVER having tornados in NY. Hey… you do what you gotta do. I’ll tell you one thing, we’ll not be watching the “Wizard of Oz” anytime soon!

What else…?

We bought a new bed this weekend… and 2 nightstands. It’s pretty sweet. I’ll post a picture. It’s not coming until June though, to give us time to paint the bedroom. This is what too much “Trading Spaces” will do to you, folks! We’re also finishing an “entertainment armoire” for the bedroom… staining it bright blue and detailing it with gold stencils and cutting openings in the doors and backing them with decorative aluminum metalwork. We bought an electric staple gun. We’re sick. My wife is also taking up QUILTING of all things. Jesus. Like she’s got time for that. And so she’s sitting on the floor all night last night cutting little triangles out of fabric, and I’m thinking… Fuck, when’s the last time I’ve sat down to work on an oil painting? Not since November? Why do YOU get to do your little crafty crap while I hold the baby? And at least my oil paints aren’t gonna wind up scattered all over the house like these fucking triangles!


I just saw a little kitty by the tracks…

”Careful, kitty!”


Hey, I was reading an article about corporate logos the other day, and it was critiquing various symbols and one of then ones it talked about was “FedEx” and it pointed out something I had never noticed… that the negative space between the “E” and the “x” makes a perfect little “arrow” suggesting, like…motion or delivery or speed or whatever. I never, never, never fucking noticed that… and I’m the kind of person who notices that kinda crap. Am I the only one who’s never seen this arrow?! Help me out here, people.

Alright, I’ve rambled enough for one morning. Nice to know I can still fill a whole entry even when I’ve got nothing to say!


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