scenario #2… a poll…

Ok. So it’s not that unusual to find Dave begging for people to leave notes in his diary. In fact, it happens about once every 6 – 8 weeks. I know that. But this is different. I need help… advice… a simple evaluation from you, my readers. Ok, only the female readers, really… but I’ll take advice from anyone. I have this impending… opportunity. And the question is… should I “go for it” or not. I’m not a “go for it” kinda guy… so I need to make sure it’s the right thing to do. And so I need you ladies to tell me how you would react to the second scenario below….


You are a 20-ish college girl. You took a science class a few semesters ago, just for kicks. It was a great class… very interesting. It also turned out to be taught by this amazing professor… youngish, smart, funny, sexy. He was so amazing that you took a class from him the next semester. And two classes the semester after that. You send him an email at least once every couple of weeks – a long email full of questions about the class. You do this because you have questions about the material, and you want to know the answers, but you also do it so you can get back a 3-page thoughtful, witty response from him. Well… this term you took the semester off. You email him to tell him how much you miss his class. He emails you to tell you how much he misses having you in his class. You find out that he is leaving the college after this semester. You express your disappointment. You mention that you’ll be in town during your semester off, and would like to “sit in” on a couple of his lectures while you’re there. The professor says of course, and invites you out to lunch while you are in town. You go out for a nice lunch, chat for an hour or so. The professor gives you a nice hardback book as a goodbye-gift for your upcoming semester abroad, which you find extremely touching. He hugs you goodbye. Then he moves in for a kiss…

What is your reaction? What would you think? What do you do? Yeah… of course that’s what you do!! But what I want to know is what you do in THIS scenario…


You are a 20-ish college girl. You took a science class a few semesters ago, just for kicks. It was a great class, and it really inspired you to want to learn more about science. The teacher was really good, but you had to ask lots of questions outside of class to really feel like you understood the material. You took another science class the next semester, and then two the following semester. They were all taught by the same professor, because he’s the only person in the department who teaches that subject and you didn’t really have much choice. Which is fine. His classes are good and you always get an A. If you were asked to describe him, you’d say he’s in his mid-30’s… married, you think… a little paunchy and kinda scruffy… maybe a little balding… glasses… kinda nerdy, with a voice that sounds a little like “Kermit the Frog”. He’s nice enough, but quiet. Her really only talks to you when you ask questions about physics. You’ve never really given him that much thought, really… he’s just a professor. He’s smart, and you respect that, but that’s about it. Anyway, he’s leaving the college next semester, and recently he invited you out to lunch. This strikes you as odd, but you say ok. He is leaving, after all, and he has been kinda your “mentor” for the past few terms. You go out to lunch and chat about science and nothing else in particular. He gives you a book that you had recently discussed as a going-away present. You don’t really know what to make of that, but you chalk it up as a nice, if somewhat odd gesture. But then when lunch is over and you give him an obligatory awkward, friendly hug goodbye, this Professor leans in and tries to kiss you… not on the cheek, but right on the mouth! He lingers, too. You have no idea where this came from.

So. What is your reaction? What would you think? What do you do? How much difference is there between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2? Suppose the kiss is totally unexpected and even somewhat unwelcome? Even if you are polite to the guy’s face, what do you walk away thinking about what just happened? Just give me your general feelings about the situation.

Anyway… it’s all just… you know… hypothetical!

Please post your answers before Monday. There are particular things I want to hear, of course, and whether or not I hear them (and believe them) could help to determine what, in fact, I might do if, in fact, something like this were to just… you know… coincidentally… come up.


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March 10, 2004

Scenario 2 would probably freak me out. I’d turn my cheek and let him kiss me on the cheek, and then get out of there quick! It seems like that the girl in Scenario 1 is interested in the professor, in 2, she is clearly not. The girl in 1 would probably welcome a kiss, I think. I’m not quite sure where you’re going with this, but that’s my opinion.

March 10, 2004

You know, if he were married, I would draw the line, however, I know that often it’s the guys who don’t look like they’re ‘good’ are really the best on so many levels. Trust me, the better looking guys I have dated, well, I would take the ones who are average any day. Hugs

March 11, 2004

definately pursue the relationship with the younger female if you really want to be happy. Don’t you listen to Howard Stern?

March 12, 2004

Well, I don’t know how much my opinion counts, but I would be flattered in either scenario, In the first, I would kiss back, and be really happy about the whole thing, It would be something I would remember forever, even if we never got to see each other again. In the second scenario, I would be flattered as well, kiss back, and think about it a lot… Either way I would walk away feeling good.

March 12, 2004

All I want to know is, is this a ‘before’ or ‘after’ scenario? So much easier to interpret. 😉 ryn: no new boobies yet… but keep watching. they’re coming.

Dave, dave, I know this is late, but you left out the crucial bit: Is this guy married? Does he have kids? If the answer is yes, in either scenario, he gets a knee in the groin — the cheating twat!

March 22, 2004

*waits for scenario update* ryn: yeah, I have to get those taken SOON. Of course, the afters will be so much more fun to look at than the befores.

Scenario 2: I’d probably kiss him back, but seriously wonder what it was all about afterwards. Possibly regret it; possibly just seek him out for clarification a couple of weeks down the road. It depends on how well I knew him, I think.

April 6, 2004

ryn: lmfao. Well, the plastic surgeon will teach Jess how to do it, so… just be someone’s SO on a boob job! perv. heheh.

ryn, I’m nothing if not brutal 😉

April 28, 2004

note note note… You have a very interesting diary. Took me a moment to find a blog however.