paper late…

I’m unbelievably tired this morning. One of those mornings when it’s 6:30, the kids are climbing on the bed, the TV is on, and you say to yourself… ok, I’ll wake up…”Open, eyes.”.. and your eyes say – ”No. Sorry. Call back in an hour.”

And maybe my half-asleepedness is to blame, but I’m finding children’s television especially surreal this morning. First it’s JoJo’s Circus with its claymation clowns… which is fine… and not as creepy as a universe of clowns might have been, but the thing is… everyone is either a clown or some kind of Circus Folk or Circus Animal… except for the Potatoes.

Would someone out there PLEASE tell me what the fuck is up with the Potato-Looking-People-Things on that show?? I’ve been to the circus a few times, and I do NOT remember seeing any anthropomorphic potatoes.

Next up is Blue’s Clues which I’m usually ok with, but today’s show is titled “Soccer Practice” and opens with a shot of Blue playing soccer with SideTableDrawer.

I’m sorry, but am I supposed to just ACCEPT the image of a DOG playing SOCCER with a fucking ENDTABLE without comment? Granted, I’m not 4, but I think even the 4 year olds might just look at that and think… “Ok, what the fuck??”

Lastly, I’ve awoke today with the Phil-Collins-Era-Genesis song ”Paperlate” playing on infinite repeat inside my head. Which is doubly irritating, because not only do I not know where the hell it came from, I have NEVER had any idea what the fuck the words to that song mean. Paperlate? Paper Late? No news is good news? The only thing I can think is that my subconscious conjured it up in response to the fact that only about half of my physics students have handed in their term papers.

Anyway, it’s not even 8:00 AM, and I already don’t have a good feeling about today.

dave (

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April 27, 2004

Wouldn’t it bother you that an endtable could talk and move, let along play soccer? And yet the dog, which in reality moves, cannot talk. Ah, the messed up world of children’s programming. I just did a report on it actually, haha. Good thing you’re not my professor.

April 27, 2004

So, no ways to play with the imagination, reality is all that should be? I disagree… however, I think that Blue’s Clues, etc, trivialize children’s imagination, so again, I’m on that fence.

April 28, 2004

ryn: i know that, you know that, but the admissions office and whoever wrote the rules for finding an advisor apparently doesn’t know that.

April 28, 2004

*sigh*… so totally laughing, because–yeah. So now I’m sitting here wondering what particular comment in my entry you focused in on that warrants a “TrainJob.” girls in boy briefs? my insanity? HIS insanity? 🙂 …ummmm… hmmm… what else was there? lol… well, I look forward to it at any rate… I owe you a bit of a “more” email anyway regarding oh… almosttotallyfiction &

April 28, 2004

there actually BEING a few nooks & crannies where one could shove someone against the wall &…. cuz god. Yeah. You need to think about that more & not be hyper-critical for you know… a few minutes and actually tell us all about that. Or me. Tell ME all about it. 🙂

April 28, 2004

of course, speaking of boy briefs… I did get some & I’m wearing them right now and they are surprisingly comfy… well not surprisingly actually because I thought they LOOKED comfy, but having gotten used to the thong, I thought that might be an issue but it’s not. They’re quite soft and… nice. 🙂 They’re grey in case you’re wondering. 😉

April 28, 2004

I’ve read some of the things you’ve written. It leaves me always with one of those wry grins. Please don’t stop.

April 29, 2004

I believe I noted on this already, but then again, It may have gotten lost. I was having the worst luck with notes today. Bah. It could be here, It could be there. I may have imagined it. Stranger things have happened.

April 30, 2004

I totally get you on the kid’s shows, but I’m so immersed in them that I sit there and go “Hummmmmmmmmmm!” (legs crossed and meditating) I don’t notice the oddity of it anymore… Well, okay, except…why is Caillou bald? Even his little sister has hair. Did I miss something? He really freaks me out. He’s such a twit. PS…thanks for the LOL on this one! : )