new beginning…

Or is it an instant replay?

As of July 1st I will be the Director of a “Science Academy” school-within-a-school at the place where I was teaching when I first started this diary in 1999. (Oh, those angsty days!)

The difference? I’ll be making more than three times what I was making there before. And almost twice what I’m making now.

That seems like a lot. And it is. But not as much as one might think given the cost of living where I’m going. Still. Six figures.

There is a weird BAD news undercurrent to this GOOD news, but I choose not to dwell on that now.

Long story short… I may need to use this more-anonymous-space for a while.

So. Here I am.

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April 14, 2012

science rocks 🙂

April 16, 2012

Welcome back.