nästan totalt fiction (IV)

The whole meeting at the cafe felt like a textbook example of a bad first date, with lots of awkward pauses and short responses and fumbling for common conversational ground. Afterwards he returned to the hotel with a general attitude of “Oh well… it was worth a shot” and planned to try again with the addictive little app the next day.

He sent a few polite messages during the day with the tall, dark-haired, big-framed woman from the night before but the conversation was slow and spotty while she was at work during the day. This was fine with him since he had already pretty much mentally closed off this avenue and returned to the digital hunt. Which is why he was stunned into disbelief later that night when she sent him a message inviting him to her apartment to “See how real Swedes live.”

He tried to process this. What? You don’t invite a strange American tourist to your apartment, in the evening, unless you want to… I mean… DO YOU? I thought that was a REALLY bad first date…. how could… why would…? Maybe she’s just being polite and really does want to show me something of the culture and lifestyle of the country, but… I mean really… how different could a Swedish Apartment be from an apartment in New York?

A few messages later, he got directions for the subway and she arranged to meet him at her station.

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