movin’ on up…

The new job wants me to start July 1, which means suddenly we have less than three months to find a place to live and move there. So many complications make this easier said than done.

* Housing market here BLOWS, which means we will barely make back what we owe on this house.

* This means that we have no chance of buying a house where we are moving, which is probably one of only 2 or 3 places in the country that are MORE expensive to live than the NYC metro area.

* The upshot of these two factors meas that we will very likely RENT – on BOTH ends. We hope to get $2200/mo for our house to cover the mortgage and taxes, and then find a place for $3200-$3500/mo. to move into.

(Yes, the new job is paying me enough money to comfortably afford $3500/mo rent… shut up.)

* Despite the cost (and the unavoidable in-ground pool) the house we move into will probably be 1/2 – 2/3 the size of the one we live in now. And mostly-furnished. Which means we have to sell, donate, trash or store 1/3 – 1/2 of our personal belongings in the next two months.

(This has its advantages as well. Yesterday’s yard sale netted $600… not counting the buyer I found for one of my old guitars for $120.)

And while you may think, fuck me for COMPLAINING about the hassles associated with a six-figure salary and a move to a resort community… it really is a pain in the ass. And there is a bunch of emotional bullshit tied to the LAST time we went through this process, which I’m sure I’ll get into soon.


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April 16, 2012
April 16, 2012

I actually get what you’re saying… The economy is making ‘everyone’ have economic problems.

April 29, 2012

Pool pool pool. Blah blah blah… 😉 No. Really I read it. & really I get it. I’m just giving you ****.