monday… caught up…

I don’t know why I even bother to write this crap anymore… I haven’t been able to post in almost a week. My entries are piling up. I’m starting to get pissed. Because it’s clear that SOME people are managing to post to OD… what the hell is going on??

Started this morning in that oh-so-fun “Oversleep By Forty-Five Minutes” way… but somehow I still made my train with time to spare. The Red Light Gods were smiling upon me. Still, my head is all foggy. I didn’t sleep well last night. The baby decided to have a berserk-fucking-screaming-fit at 2:00 AM that lasted about a half hour. How did any human infant live to see the age of one in the days before there were any laws to keep us from leaving them in the jungle and just walking away? Cuz I’ve been at that point a few times this week.

Advising and registration start this week, which means lots of late days for a while. Not REALLY late, but later than usual. Advising is such a pain in the ass… at its best, it’s just kind of busywork, but at its worst it involves dealing with some pretty irritating and whiny students. That’s pretty mean I guess, but really… some of these kids bug the hell out of me. Could you at least LOOK at the course catalog before coming to my office? Fuck. And don’t whine at me that you got a fucking C- on your term paper… did you talk to your professor about it? ”Ummm…no… do you think I should do that?” Ummm… YEAH! Jesus.

Anyway… today I’m showing a movie, and on Thursday I’m spending the whole day at the museum with my classes, so at least I don’t have to think too much about TEACHING this week. It’s that time of the semester again, boys and girls… the time when Dr. Dave just flat out stops giving a fuck. Like clockwork, it is…

In other news… I’ve been eating like CRAP all week, and the jeans are starting to protest. That sucks, cuz I’ve been managing to hold at 195 for quite a while, despite anything I do… I eat more crap, but I walk around the city more and it all evens out. Well, suddenly the crap is winning and the “2” is looming, and its time to back up a little. So… no food for me today.

Oh, by the way… yesterday’s little “meet-the-students” thing went fine, although by my calculations it cost me SEVEN HOURS of my Sunday to go in to work and talk to incoming freshmen for 2 minutes. At least I got some cookies and a free T-shirt out of the deal.

Lastly, it turns out I won another auction on eBay for a THIRD CD-ROM drive. I really only needed TWO! Oops. Oh well… I’ll put one internal in my daughter’s Mac, send the other to my Mom, and keep the EXTERNAL drive for the Mac Classic. Can an 8 MHz machine even READ from a 12x CD-ROM, or will it just burst into flames? Only one way to find out, I suppose!


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Yeah, that was it for me too, but I figured, screw it. I couldn’t take the frustration any more 🙂

Btw, ryc on blogspot… have you hit the “publish” button? Nothing goes to the site until you “publish” it. IF that’s not it, then I dunno what it is 🙂

A lot of us are at inthewire. You’re not the only one that can’t post. I’m not even sure THIS will post…we’ll see…