from tuesday…

Well… that last entry was WRITTEN on Monday, but I didn’t have time to post it, and when I went to post it today (Tuesday) OD wasn’t working, so… fuck, who the hell knows when it’ll get posted. Oh well… it did in fact snow, in fact the day got a lot worse before it got better. When I changed trains at the halfway-point of my trip home, we sat and sat and sat on the tracks until finally they made an announcement that “this equipment is being taken out of service”. Well… what the fuck does THAT mean? It means your ass is taking the fucking BUS home, that’s what it means. Fucking hell. So, I had to STAND UP on a fucking BUS for an hour. Nice. Do I get a fucking REFUND of 1/25th of the fucking $200 I paid to ride a fucking TRAIN home every day??

Then I get home… exhausted, and of course I have to shovel the driveway and play Dad, cuz the 4 y.o, wants to play in the snow… just what I want to do, roll around in the freezing snow in APRIL. Turns out we actually had fun, though…. I made her an igloo… the snow was SO wet and packable… one of those snows where it is SO wet that when you go to “roll” a big snowball for a snowman, it picks up ALL of the snow down to the bare grass. Anyway, it was better than standing around in the cold while she throws snowballs at me. It’s a kick-ass igloo too. She can stand up inside, and I can sit up straight. Probably the best igloo I’ve ever made. And that’s saying a lot.

It was still snowing, so I didn’t get around to shoveling the snow until 10:00. That makes for a nice relaxing evening. Shoveling snow in the middle of the fucking night.

The wife just got a job for a new client, so I’m on baby-duty in the evenings. That doesn’t really work, though – since he wants to nurse every 45 minutes or so. Tonight we’ll be trying bottles again… we need to do SOMETHING with all that frozen breast-milk in the freezer. We’ll see if he does better this time.

I’m looking at someone’s paper with a big headline about Syracuse winning the NCAA thing, and I’m thinking… not only do I not CARE… I can’t even IMAGINE what it would BE LIKE to care. A bunch of college kids playing basketball?? What the fuck? They’re the same age as my students, and people are watching them play basketball on TV? Why? Don’t these kids have a fucking exam they should be studying for? The whole phenomenon of college athletics just irritates me to no end.

Graded some exams this morning… mostly 70’s and 80’s… a few 60’s and a couple 100’s… not too bad, right?

That’s out of 130.

Christ. This class sucks so bad that *I* want to drop it. Too fucking late now.

In other news, I got my schedule for next semester… it’s my light half of the year… only 2 courses… BOTH on Tuesday and Thursday, with a break in between. SWEET! It’s the return of the 3-day-work-week! I have no excuse for sucking next year. Which means I need to get started thinking about my classes NOW. I need to do some research at the library. Of course, that will be difficult, since my library privileges are on HOLD due to some overdue books. Dammit. I took a big pile back, but I still have more at home. I’m so bad with crap like that. Luckily, it doesn’t look like they really charge fines to faculty, as long as you bring the books back. Eventually.

I think that’s it for today…. Tuesday, that is. Not much else to say. And it’s not like I’ll be able to POST the damned entry anyway!


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Feel my pain! Feel it! Actually, as of Monday, I could post again. It’s like they have two conflicting setups, so they have to alternate between them. When I can post, you can’t, when you can post, I can’t. it’s a great setup! 😐