computer stuff…

My net connection is all flaky this morning. Time to unplug the cable box in the basement, then plug it back in. Sometimes that fixes it.

I updated the system software on my laptop the other day for the first time. I never to the automatic updates. I figure – if it’s not having any PROBLEMS… why fuck with the operating system? But lately the graphics on my Mac have been going all wacko-pixellated on me whenever I resize a window… usually after I unplug from an external LCD projector at work. So, I figured I’d hold my breath and update… from 10.2.2 to 10.2.8. So far… no problems.

I had a very successful night of illegal downloading last night. It’s always very satisfying when you can scrape together a whole album one track at a time. I scored three last night – “Rock N’ Roll” by Ryan Adams… “White Blood Cells” by the White Stripes… and the latest album by the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. I think I’m pretty well-stocked with new music for a while.

I never mentioned one other mishap from a few weeks ago. I tripped over the cord to my laptop, sending the whole thing crashing to the ground and mangling the fuck out of the AC plug. I had use pliers to bend it back into something resembling “round” so it would go back into the hole, but even still you have to push just a *leeetle* too hard to get it in there. It ain’t pretty, but it works. There is a little crack there in the case too. Fucking shit.

dave (

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