casi completamente ficción (prefacio)

I don’t read much, fiction-wise, but when I do, there are one or two authors whose voice leaks into my writing. Hemingway is one of them. And what else would one read when planning a week in Cuba but some Hemingway? So on this trip, I decided to embrace the phenomenon of voice-leakage rather than fight it and just pound out as many words as I could in as simple and straightforward language as I could manage. It’s hard to believe I wrote more than 6000 words in just a few days but… here it is, in installments, for anyone still reading…. the latest in the long-running “Almost Totally Fiction” series, through the joint filters of literary license and hemingwayification.

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June 18, 2013

6000 words for you is like… amazing. 🙂 I might have almost fainted. *laughs*