Survey from Jamie!


69. Who do you trust the most: Me, Myself and I

70. Who is your best friend: I am… Aren’t we suppsed to be our own best friend?

71. Who would you give anything for: any of my friends

72. Who would you die for: See # 71

73. Who would you lie for: No one

74. Who knows all your secrets: Me… and no one else

75. Who do you see the most: Binh

76. Who has known you the longest: My mom and dad, then me, then prolly Edwin

77. Who has known you the shortest: Ummm I dunno… prolly… I dunno

78. Who will get married first: Edwin

79. Who will never marry: Binh… he’s such an online pimp 😛 Either him or me

80. Who will have kids first: Hmm… I don’t know…

81. Who will never have kids: Binh

82. Who would die first? Prolly Edwin… he’ll prolly be sot for his cocky mouth

83. Who would make the best mom: Uh….

84. Who would make the best dad: Me

85. Who could be famous: Me… I WILL BE PRESIDENT

86. Who has the best grades: We’re not in school…

87. Who is the shyest: Binh

88. Who is the loudest: Edwin

89. Who is the shortest: Binh (he’s like less than 5’4… I dunno exactly how tall I forgot

90. Who is the tallest: Edwin


91. What are the three best inside jokes:

1. 3 things never to mess with men

2. Crackwhore

3. Creepy Craig and the calibrated feet of Kane

92. What is your favorite quote:

Right now it’s

“Never love someone who don’t love you back”

93. What is your favorite stuffed animal: Rocky my Raccoon… when I was younger…

94. What kind of car do you want: It’s a secret

95. What is your favorite smell: Any woman with perfume on…

96. Do you tan: I don’t need to

42. When was the last time that you ate a pop-tart: on the USS Saipan

43. When was the last time that you said, i don’t remember?: I don’t remember

44. When was the last time that you went out of town: yesterday/this morning

45. When was the last time that you cried: While I was on the USS Sipan on the way home

46. Have you ever been in a car accident: Yea, bastard sideswiped me… and then said it was MY fault

47. Have you ever been kissed: no, never, not in a million years.. .a girl? C’mon… they got cuties >:)

48. When was the last time you really embarrassed yourself: Technically everyday… but I do it on purpose 😛

49. What is your best memory: Honestly… it’s Steph… we had so many good times together.

51. What is your worst memory: When I found out Steph had been raped… I was pissed… and I cried… and… well I won’t say anymore.

52. When was the last time that you watched the sunrise: Hmm… good question…

53. When was the last time that you went to the mall: Umm… 2 days ago

54. When was the last time that you went to the movies and what did you see: 2 days ago… saw dumb and Dumberer and T3

55. Have you ever broken anything? Your face

56. When was the last time that you played Truth or Dare: back home about 6 years back

57. When was the last time that you ate a fruit: today


58. Do you intend to get married: Yes

59. If so, to who: I won’t knwo til I’m there now will I?

60. Do you intend to go all the way: huh?

61. Do you intend to have kids: yeah

62. Do you intend to go to college: Yeah

63. Do you intend to go to your high school reunion: Yea… it’ll be funny… all those loser.. .and me as president… they will be like “yes Mr. President”

64. Would you ever go to a psychic: why bother? I’m psychic sometimes… just gotta get me at the right time

65. Would you ever eat dirt: I’m trying to quit… so no thanks

66. Would you ever kiss one of your teachers: depends on if they are alive or not… either way no

67. What do you want to be when you grow up: When I grow up… in a year or 2 or 3… oh damnit Shirley temple in the head again… I am grown up silly! But I am going to be a psychologist

68. Would you ever get plastic surgery: nope

1. Full Name: Donovan Delaney Loreman

2. Age: 21 almost 22

3. Male or Female: Female please… I’m not gay

4. DOB: August 6, the wonderful year 1981

5. Parents’ Names: Russell Lee and Donna Loreman

6. Siblings: David, Brian, Brad and Chenoa

7. Eye Color: Beautiful Brown

8. Hair Color: Bountiful Brown

9. Height: 5’8

10. Pets: none for now

11. Grade: HS Grad

12. Where do you live: Ummm that’s tricky… let’s say Pennsylina


13. Color: Blue

14. Place to be: Anywhere but North Cackalacky

15. Teacher: Me

16. Subject: Used to be math… but now Psychology

17. TV Show: TV? What’s that?

18. Movie: Braveheart and Good Will Hunting


20. CD: Meteora right now

21. Band: Hmmm… lemme think… Who is Linkin Park? YAY I win!

22. Radio Station: radio is for pussies…. I prefer My Comp… but 105.5 is pretty cool

23. Store: Walmart

24. Outfit that you own: Hmm…

25. Food: pizza pizza

26. Animal: cat… or aardwolf 🙂

27. Drink: Dew the Dew

28. Restaurant: blah

29. Insect: dung beetle anyone? (I just like the name lol … that and stink bug;) )

30. Home Appliance: microwave

31. Relative: Marvin

32. Disney Character: Pumbaa

33. Online Friend: Me?!? Have friends?!? You gotta be kidding! I’m a mean SOB!

34. Number: 6.. my B-day

35. Boys Name: Bob… what about bob…

36. Girls Name: Elizabeth


37. Do you have a crush: i think so..

38. If yes, who is it: why you wanna know? You think it’s you? Maybe if it is you you know already… or perhaps not? You wanna know? MWAHAHA no!

39. Why do you like them: Because they have a lot in common with me

40. What do you go for; looks or personality: personality

41. Whats your idea of a perfect date: anything where we have fun and spend time together, learning about each other.

Log in to write a note

Is it just me or are the numbers out of order… nah nevermind I can’t count…

79. Who will never marry: Binh… he’s such an online pimp 😛 Either him or me 37. Do You have a crush? I think so… hmmmmm I should kill you for those answers, I think if u think bout it u’ll know why, anyway… i hope i talk to u today, the butch girl eh? anyway…. hmmm hope u had fun with the boys, love ya.. chell

btw you do know you cant have a crush if you have a gf… 😉 its wrong to do to your gf but whatever im not mad.. maybe im irriated at something else, sorry hun but yah… ill ttyl cuz i wanna actually talk to you and not your diary and not in public.. pe@ce

oh and ur note was from 12:10pm why didnt u im me dork i was online before. 😛

*ping* just being random 😛

who the hell? -grumbles- Sweetie.. Im just going to go public with this.. so people shut up. I AM DONOVAN”S FRIENd nothing more.. Now please shut up damn.. -huggles- Talk to you soon. love ya chelly

HMM OKAY to the other “chelly” or whatever, i duno if u got my note or not, so ima leave it here so the mess is straight…….. when i said “chell” i meant me, as in chellllllllllllllie, thats my name :p chellie too, but it was just a message to my baby 😡 😡 and he got it i think kinda lol so no harm 2 u chicka……… i love u so much honey and i miss u 😡 read my new subbie 😀 lata

Hehe yeah the numbers are way screwed up! 🙂 Cute survery. Aren’t you dating that girl anymore? (Forgot the name momentarily) It’s your Birthday soon, hurray!

hey u changed ur diary name :p sillie

You slightly changed your name 🙂

yay! you still know i’m alive! hey you boyo..i miss ya! sorry i haven’t written lately..been WAY busy..but i think about you all the time..loves!

hios Dlove…glad your back safe and sound… *feels realy late in this cuz he’s been back a while i think* well any way…just thought I would pop in and say Hios… so now I’ll just pop back out… *pops out*

hey donovan.. just stopping by to say hello..

OHHHHHH really u stopped by just to say hello back eh? well hi

scary thought you as PRESIDENT