OK…OK.. I’ll write… in my diarrhea

I’ve been forced to write (litereally my arm was twisted and turned and pulled and kicked and…. oh wait… no it wasn’t) because I haven’t updated in awhile… so that person better read it or else I will come over to their house and jump around naked until A. she’s driven silly  B. she starts hitting on me  C. she  calls the police to have me arrested  or D.  All of the above. LOL  I’m talking to you Wendy M…. and you won’t be invited to be a stripper at my B-party (not B-day party ppl lol) and… and… I’ll talk to your CPR guy and tell him how CRAZY you really are (and not about him). Ok all threats aside… I’m doing good. Jenn and I are planning on getting married, just as soon as we can get rings (this changes… somedays she wants rings others she jsut wants me… but then, who wouldn’t?) She quit her job at the supermarket, where the employers were complete assholes. The day she put her 2 weeks in, they said she stole $84.14. So I told her to fuck it and quit. So she did and I went with her to get her last check… her boss was talking to some people and just stopped and stared as we came in and left. I didn’t know it but Jenn told me. If I would have seen him I would have been taken out of there in handcuffs. Anywho… she’s now working at Kramm’s… a healthcare facility. OK a nursing home… I couldn’t think of what it was lol. She likes it there a lot. In other news… I watched Matrix Revolutions yesterday… and I must say… I liked it a lot. I liked the second as well. I’m sorry for all those people who didn’t understand what was going on in the second one… but personally I believe it is one of the greatest trilogies of our time… only rivaled by LOTR trilogy. Also watched teh Texas chainsaw massacre (which was better than the original) and Big Fish (it was alright). I’m renting Scary Movie 3 Wednesday because Jenn hasn’t seen it yet, I saw it in theatres. anywho… what else… Jenn’s sister might be coming up to visit us soon… and… she and I don’t really get along. She thinks that I was hitting on her one day when she went out driving with me. Not hardly… but anywho… she hates me, I hate her… so it’s just a hate/hate thing. She treats Jenn like crap, but Jenn still regards her very highly. In fact that’s the reason Jenn’s here right now… Jen told her that we were gunna get married… so she tried to “reconcile” with me… and asked what my problem with her was… and I told her I didn’t want to say because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings… then she said I wasn’t a man enough to tell her… so I flipped… I told her very little though… just that she treats her sister like crap. So she went crying to her aunt (their guardian) and her aunt went off on Jenn… so I told Jenn that I was going to pick her up.    So long story short… she’s a bitch, Jenn don’t see it, or chooses not to believe it, adn I’m worried. I’m afraid she’s going to try and get Jenn and I to break up… and that would devastate me. Anywho…  she wants to stay a week… that will be fun… me n her together while Jenn is at work (God help me… don’t let me kill her!!!!!!!!!!) Her and Jenn’s mutual friend is also coming… but I like her. She’s sweet… albeit a bit naive. Hopefully they will go out while Jenn is at work. I’d go out but I don’t trust anyone alone in my apartment… except me and Jenn. Anywho… I won’t complain anymore. I have to go for now… I gotta make me something to eat and do the dishes… I will talk to you all later!

Me, the psychology studier

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May 7, 2004

The first few lines of this entry are very interesting. That has to be the funniest dam thing I’ve read all day. hehehe… i hope your friend reads the entry. 🙂

lol I”m leaving you a damn note.. Happy? 🙂 chelly

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Anything but the CPR boy!!!!

Hey D. Nice to see a new entry. Sorry to hear Jenn’s sister is a pain in the butt. Have you started your studies? Anja

May 12, 2004

Van Helsing sucked. The acting did anyway. It was pretty funny though.

May 12, 2004

im glad ur happy and i hope things go well btw u two. i just got back from cruise i’ll be here for a few wks in japan b4 i go to lemoore,ca for a while. *hugs* steph

May 16, 2004

There’s another Wendy 0_0 ? GROOVY *waves to you and this person*