Longer than planned

Well I haven’t written in this little doohickeymabob in quick some time. A lot of events have occured since I last wrote an actual entry. For starters, the Marine Corps has extended my EAS (End of Active Service) not once or twice, not even thrice but FOUR times. Needless to say I am a bit peeved at that. All I want to do is get out and have my own life, is that too much to ask? I don’t think it is. Anywho, that isn’t the worst of my problems. Edwin, my roomate, is breaking up with his now ex-fiance, I say “breaking up” because although they are technically not together, he’s trying to still stay with her, and yet he’s not. It’s wierd. He pisses me off because he will sleep with another girl and come crying to me because he still loves his “fiance”. Bullshit. Excuse my language. Anyways, I need to get away from the drama. It’s like my entire life is a soap opera. I’d pay to see it… just not to be in it. Ugh. It seems all my friends decided that since I’m getting out of the military it’s time to get ahold of me. I’ve been hearing from people I haven’t talked to in 3 years! It’s amazing… why these people all of the sudden thoguht of me, I don’t know. It’s not like I’m that popular… or am I? Hmm… Sometimes I wonder if these people just wait until the wrong times to get back with me. Yea I’m happy to talk to them again, but I am very stressed with me getting out and all. I haven’t talked to some of my better online friends in a while, like Anja. I hope she’s doing well. Jenn and I are doing fine, with the exception that it seems like everyone is fighting with her lately, her dad, her aunt, her sister…. everyone. I can’t wait to go up there… then no one will fight with her… they all love me for some reason. And they won’t fight with me around… and frankly… there won’t be a time when I am not around. Not for awhile anyways…. but that will be after she starts school and then she won’t be around either. So that will be good. I got some good news to tell everyone… but I can’t say on here because someone *ahem* might find out if it’s on here… and it’s got to remain a surprise until it’s ready… if you wanna know what it is email my yahoo and I will tell you… unless your that someone… then you have to wait! 😛 Well, I will go for now, I will write more at a later date, have fun, take care, and always remember to share… with yourself! 🙂



P.S. I’m a crazy mofo you heard? 😛

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oooo a surprise for someone!!! wander who and what it is??? hmmm…iiinteresting….

glad u and ur gf are fine, funny how things are right?

they’re exstending time ?*chuckels* guess they want you to stay longer. im still here in glorious maryland waiting to leave undes. go figure i would lose my school.*hugs* take care-steph

I am sorry if I came at a bad time. I missed you and if I could forget you then I would be a complete idiot. Always, Rebecca.

Ryn: what i was talkin about is the fact i lost my school and inturn i won’t have specific job or in better terms a rate out in the fleet silly.*hugs*-steph

Hey! I wrote you a mail a while back! On yahoo. I haven’t heard from you! I miss chatting with ya too 🙂 Sweet you mentioned me. Tell me the surprise 🙂