Interview for owner of this world.

1. If the world was ending but you only had room on your arc to save one species of animal what would it be?

Well if it was a sepcies besides humans…..koala bears….there adorable…

2. Would you rather be excessively hairy or completely bald for the rest of your life?

Excessively hairy….might possibly be because its mor masculine and i have an insecurity with it as of this pint of my life…but also i could always shave what i didnt want

3. If you could choose your gender and every physical quality you would have before you were born what would you look like?

Genger:boy    eye color:crystal blue        hair: a slightly lighter brown    body: umm an exact copy of Ryan Reynolds…. nd bout the same height as well…

4. Discribe your perfect day?

Go to work, come home, have dinner, with my family, put the kids to bed and ahve hot chocolate underneather the stars at bout 11 at night wrapped in a blanket with my lover.

5.If you had a choice between finding that one true soulmate, or being able to fvck anyone you want whenever you want forever, what would you pick?


one true soul mate….im not much a promicuious (sp) kinda guy.



i loved these questions!



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