Here we are

I didn’t even realize it had been a month and a half until someone responded to a note I wrote and asked how I was doing because I hadn’t been around. Truth is, I’m here every day – reading, sometimes noting if my hands aren’t full of nursing baby or crazy toddler, but I just don’t always find the time or write. Or else, I can’t form coherent thoughts anymore. I was a much better writer in high school. Something about raw emotions, depression, and high levels of hormones apparently make me a great writer. Without those things, I find myself grasping at words to describe even the most mundane things, let alone the big important ones that I’d really like to have documented.

I guess I could start with more talk of how wonderful my home is. I can’t imagine ever having to leave, and yet there are so many little and big things that would have to be done if we bought it, and so little money to do them with, I don’t know that that’s how it’s going to end. Right now we’re debating with Lynn over whose responsibility it is to have the chimney cleaned. She said she sees the fireplace as a bonus since she already has to maintain the propane furnace, but we plan to use the woodstove as our main source of heat and the propane only as a backup. But we’re not going to use a chimney that hasn’t been inspected and cleaned. I don’t know. We’re finally getting chickens next week and I couldn’t be happier!! I gave up on rescuing our red hens from Jo’s mom’s – just too many things that had to line up to do that. Instead, a friend of mine is giving me a really good deal on a bunch of mixed breeds, which I LOVE. We’ll get a variety of different color eggs (blue, green, and brown I believe)  and I’m just so happy to finally have that piece of our home in place. We’ve gone back and forth on buying goats (because I’m having trouble finding an affordable milkshare), but when it comes down to it, the fence needs to be mended first, and now that Wes is back into the swing of working, I don’t know how much time we’ll have to do that. So goats are on hold for the moment.

Xander’s been playing soccer and really enjoying it. Games and practices are hard on me because Jaime wants sooo badly to be out there with him – and Jaime’s pretty good! He’ll be old enough to play in the spring. My mom came to Xander’s game last weekend and then came out to see the house. They seemed to like it. Mom pointed out a lot of different flowers and plants that were lost under the vines and leaves from the previous tenent. I can’t wait to get our garden tilled so we can start planning for next year.

Right now the kids are passing around a nasty virus. We lost our insurance Oct 1st, so I ended up paying $85 to take Mal to the ped the other day. He has a slight ear infection and a virus. His temperature when we got there was 104.5. Yeah. My ped didn’t charge us for the blood test (which they did without Mal even flinching he was so sick), she gave me 2 free bottles of dye-free infant motrin, and sent us to Martin’s with a prescription for free antibiotics (for his ear). I love her. When we called that morning, I was told I couldn’t see her for several days because she was booked. So I emailed her and she saw us anyway. <3

So I got home from the appointment and Xander was burning up. So far it’s avoided Jaime, but we’ll see. Laura’s kids have it, too. It sucks – I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in several days because Mal wants to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG and squirm and cry randomly before going back to sleep.

Personally I’ve had some big, crazy stuff going on…like the fact that for the first time since Xander was born, Wes and I are developing an amazing sex life! I can’t even tell you the number of times we’ve had sex in the last month…and before this all started the # of times in a month was rarely more than 2. I feel so much closer to him. We’ve been texting back and forth all day while he’s at work. Things are just…good.

And as part of that, we’ve been reading about/getting into some other stuff, and that’s really where the shit I REALLY want to document but can’t find the words to do so comes in. To be really plain and not get into any details at the moment (because I’m about to have to wrap this up anyway), we’ve been reading about BDSM a lot…specifically D/s. I got this really good book called Erotic Slavehood and we’ve been reading it together. Also, we’ve been reading this blog from the beginning and really enjoying it: The Diary of a Consensual Slave. Maybe if I ever get my nights without the baby back (once all the sickies have passed) I’ll try to get into  more. For now, I need to go make a grocery list.




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