“Cause The Bible Told Me So! Congress”
Took a time out…
Looked over the Upcoming TV shows… wow..sooo much “reality”..
Do I need to go anywhere else for a “shot of reality”…sheesh….entertainment/ propaganda
C-span…quasi-qoute..(out of context of a call-in show)
Caller: > (speaking to the atty. gen.) “do you read , the constitution of the usa, daily”
Atty.Gen.> I carry one in my briefcase..and read it when I need to read it…
Then I wondered:
How many here know the original context of the Constitution..and..can explain it to a child without speaking in parables…
Is it really necessary that an army explain it: and if it is so mystical..comparable to the bible..then wouldn’t it come under the subject of religion…if interpretation of the word is cloudied by “time”…
I mean either you know the contractual language and bind self to it and any attempts to re-define it, is a crime by any manner of process, once enacted…without fraud/ and with good faith…or you don’t know it and any attempt by any one to enforce a contract is “legally illegal”….and is comparable to “Racketeering practices”….
Maybe the lesson for me is to check, is the constitution, as is being flagged today, is a legal and binding document…is any document that is not clearly defined a legal and binding contract/document?
Meanwhile…firepower is still in progress…and ..folks are still being forced from one location to another at the command of a few with weapons of destructions…..and a few with articulations of destructions.
Have a Beautiful Day, and you may you be as blessed as you have blessed others.