tripped up, but back on solid ground.

 I fell again.

Under the spell of hollow reflection, 

tip-toeing cautiously across the shards of shattered memories,

the ones I’ve sliced my bare feet on time and time again…

Because I refused to protect myself – to lose some of my favorite recollections.

The wounds would fester and swell, 

overcoming me with their power.

But their intensity is waning… there is a reason these moments are left broken on the floor.


Reminiscent of empty words and contradictory action.

While they remind me of some of the best times of my life,

They also bring longing, and questions — so many questions.

I’ll keep them around only to remind me of who I am.

A girl with a belief in love above all things.

The day I lose my faith in love is the day I will lose myself forever.

The day I stop believing that I’ll feel again…. 

happy. complete. needed. adored.

You showed me love, in all it’s pain and beauty.

I so often doubt your feelings… and it terrifies me to know that I could have felt so strongly…..

with your heart being ice cold.

And I’ve heard from countless sources…. from the voice of destruction itself….

"you never did anything wrong"

Yet you’re happy again… and I’m still spilling my overflowing head into this diary…

trying to put pieces that never fit in the first place back together.

This isn’t fair. I deserve happiness far more than you do.

I loved you with all that I was, would have given anything to make you happy…. to make you stay.

But if I could have felt that for you…. the one who walked away because times got the slightest bit of difficult,

The boy who wasn’t around enough, who made countless promises that never came to be,

promises of futures, and promises of loving me.

The one who let me down…

I’ll find love again, a love truly complete, with a boy who adores all that I am – with every flaw – and happiness that I deserve. 

On that day… I’ll look back on everything you destroyed, knowing it led me to something so much better.


Log in to write a note
August 14, 2010

I just added you. 🙂

August 15, 2010

and ignore that last note. That was my old account. I made a new one. Much more funny. It’s: Wharrgarbl. (yes, the period is part of it)

August 16, 2010

Talk to me sometime silly. 🙂

August 17, 2010

You’re very much right. You will find love again and it will make everything you’ve been through worth it. Sorry I’m just now noting… I started to read this before but got distracted and never finished. Hopefully we’ll talk again soon.

August 18, 2010

RYN: There’s two classes I’m concerned with. Business Finance because the professor is a pain in the ass. And Management information Systems because I have no clue what it’s about and we’re gonna have tons of quizzes and group work to do. I’m fine with my other classes though.

August 18, 2010

Oh and I’ll let Brian know you’re thinking of him.

September 20, 2010

You know, early on the jerks end up finding happiness aplenty while the people who deeply care and try their best and put forth an honest effort suffer.. Well, guess what I’ve found? The older you get those jerks end up less and less happy and repeat the same stupid choices and mistakes until they wake up twenty years later and don’t know why their life didn’t work out.

September 20, 2010

You commit to putting in the time and effort it takes to better yourself above all else, and while you may suffer alone at times, you’ll eventually find happiness on a level they shall NEVER know.