there’s a lack of color here

A chill is creeping through the glass

Slithering along the floor 

and up my spine

Bringing with it a darkness I haven’t seen in months

tingling, seething, and omnipresent.


I thought these days were over…

days of being trapped in my head

lost to a past I crave

and a new life I can barely stand.


Regret is whispering in my ear…

Patiently, he’s been waiting until I stopped driving forward

and finally slowed down to realize how much I’ve ruined.

I’m fighting hard against him, with the one belief I’ve fought so hard to keep — no regrets.

But the days keep passing, and the murmurs are becoming screams

trapped in an empty head.


I look around to find someone to console me.

But everyone and everything I love is gone.

Whether it was their fault or mine,

and I know better than to hope one day they’ll be back.

So I sit in this empty room.

With this hollow heart.

Frozen air filling my lungs.

And the antagonizing voice crippling my mind.



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May 3, 2011

pshh its truely fat on me though D: at least thats what i see :p. yea, im still going with her to her sisters wedding and all, but when she goes for a kiss its gonna be all like “nuh uh” lol. Awh shucks D: well, youll get better soon :p i made a tremendous jump in my skill level in a short time :p so hopefully you do too. :p. Hmm whats your favorite song?

i meant more in a trying-to-find-out-more about you way cause i actually think youre an interesting person and youre writing is captivating (though the compliment is appreciated i will never feel the same about mine..) though this makes me come off as that really awful creepy internet scumbag guy …and i am definitely not comfortable with that so ill just stop there

ugh.. third line down should be your not you’re.. sorry.. really huge pet peeve though i write these notes and emails way too fast and never spell check them though i really should..

May 7, 2011

Right now my favorite just so happens to be Making Love by NeverShoutNever lol which is kinda funny cuz i usually am not a fan of him :p. but its a beautiful song with relatable lyrics. Ill look it up 🙂 Gary loves mayday parade, so my favorite song ive heard from them was miserable at best.

okay.. but to be fair.. aren’t finding out those things (of course as just noting and the like) part of getting to know someone better? i don’t see what’s that creepy about that? or making plans to meet someone? this isn’t me striving for that.. but i meant creepy as in you take it that i’m like stalking you or spending every waking second texting or thinking or writing about you..

you know.. real “creepy” obsessive ****.. i for one am not opposed to meeting someone i met over the internet.. at first, there was a negative stigmata applied to it.. but in any circumstance i feel if you make a connection with someone on a level you should allow yourself the possibility that it could spark ..but thats just me ..and this is a ramble ..apologies if any of this is creepy

also thank you i can’t tell you how violently ill it makes me reading entries or whatnot where everything is spelled horribly and abbreviations and internet lingo are rampant personally.. and i’m not trying to be preachy by any means.. i think its destroying a beautifully complex language but thats just me.. but i find it charming that others do still agree

well thats good i guess considering i just kinda told you i liked you.. ..moving on then? uh.. well why don’t you ask me a question about myself and ill answer it? ..and nothing stupid like my favorite color and movie (brown & royal tenenbaums)

my name is kyle. and i guess one of my biggest fears is dying alone. i realize that is super cliche but its still pretty relevant and as much as i hate the vast majority of humanity i still would like to spend time with the few i care about ..and bees i am absolutely terrified of bees..

i completely agree. i wouldn’t settle for anything less and i wouldn’t expect the person i’m with to do the same though the thought that it won’t ever happen is always there cause i feel its hard for me to open up also social anxiety and a whole slew of other crap so yah i’ll probably just die old and lonely but eh.. at least i have a ton of nintendo villain tattoos your name is…

well i dont have many pictures of them aside from the assorted ones of band photos that you can kind of see obscurely (also, yes, i play in a grindcore band.. very fast, dirty, and evil.. i’m a crazy metalhead.. have no idea.. well now you kinda do) but i have.. geez.. probably close to 40..? most of them are nintendo villains you can kinda see in the bottom left of my arm in my pic

is ganon from the legend of zelda (though its actually on my right arm..) i have a bunch more one side of my ribs and most of my back are covered in megaman bosses and i have my feet done as well as my stomach and a bunch of others if you want specifics just ask.. whats yours?

i dont know if i can tell you my band name right now.. that will lead to your discovery of our myspace and facebook (which i dont maintain or do anything with.. this is as far as ‘social networking’ as i go…) but i do the vocals in the band.. i can also kind of play the drums.. not well or fast enough to play in a metal band.. but i’m picking it up bit by bit i like yours..

pretty much metal and nintendo and writing are the biggest things in my life.. yourself..?

well since i detest most everybody (exaggerating only slightly) my core group of friends consists of like 6 people whom i cherish more than anything so yah its mutual about the friends.. that said i dont really ‘party’ all that much.. or did.. or would.. but if we were to meet you can take me partying with you, though i’m sure i would be a killjoy and only talk about metal.. haha

i’ve also thought about giving up writing since i hate most everything i compose but i just.. can’t.. i just think in terms of weird lines and phrases and in turn it becomes what i write and i need to get it out.. ive had some form of an od for over 10 years now.. and it sucks about writers block.. definitely the worst feeling and if its any consolation ive been there before and i hope you get

over yours cause i thoroughly enjoy your entries and such.. also i was thinking it might be easier to email since we’re just getting surges of notes/information? if not no worries.. i honestly don’t care but with the length of notes its.. eh.. whatever also since i’m a huge dork/nerd most of my favorite games are old school rpgs like final fantasy and zelda. super metroid is up there

and ive been playing music since i was about.. 16? i think.. so awhile.. also tell you what.. we’re in the middle of recording our full length.. once its done i’ll let you know what the name of my band is so you can hear the newer stuff ..or if youre super nice to me mayhaps ill let you know prior..

i actually dont drink at all anymore.. and i was never into partying at all..not my lifestyle or people..and that isnt meant to be preachy.. though you said youre in school so i guess it makes sense.. just not my thing.. i’m not too social these days also i just turned 28 also since i’m terrible at initiating anything (though i realized i noted you first) my email is: