Ray of Light

 Darkness is all around.

This tunnel seems to have no end, yet there is no evidence of it’s entrance either.

Walking blind through the pitch black, completely alone.

Stumbling over the foulest creatures, rank and bloody beings that belong so perfectly here.

Just as lost as the poor soul journeying along.

Vines curl up from the floor, along the wall, clamoring to the ceiling and hanging there, dripping poison on all who pass.

But alas, after endless days and nights blended into one voyage through the depths of the emptiest hearts and loneliest souls in the shade of blinded passerbys…. there lies a ray of light.

Pure and clean, a crack in the canopy of hell reveals hope.

Water seeps in, cleansing of all impurities.

The beasts retreat and the creeping venomous plants shrivel to mere dust. 

The lonely traveler has found escape… because in all the world’s darkness, there also lies light.


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June 10, 2010

Fascinating image you create with this description. I was just curious, do you have an msn messenger or something similar? I was thinking we could talk there sometime if you were interested.

June 10, 2010

I actually have both. I only have two people on my skype account, my boyfriend and my brother. I have facebook too. Whichever you’d prefer is fine with me.

June 10, 2010

Added you. I agree, skype is way better than facebook chat.

June 11, 2010

Ah, a shred of light in every dark tunnel. That is most certainly the truth of life. No matter how far we seem to be or how lost we become, we always have a path to take to find our own self. A way to save.