find me here, in the landscape of reverie

Trees surround on all sides.

Dusk turns even darker under their canopy.

But looking closer, this place is far from ordinary.

Rich black trunks lead to branches accentuated with maroon leaves, dripping spirits sickly sweet.

A blood red drop lands upon my wrist, tingles slightly, then sinks into my glistening skin.

As I look down, something catches my eye.

The floor of this forest is composed of rotting leaves, fallen from the shoots of nightmares to rest here, cloaking the ground with their poison.

I’m sinking deeper and deeper into their layers by just standing here.

I attempt to move, but I look up to find a grand mirror before me.

A beautiful wooden frame carved with elaborate spirals and smiling faces encases glass in which I view my reflection perfectly.

My image lasts but a second before fading.

I blink… I must have been mistaken.

But I open my eyes to find the most foul creature I’ve ever seen. 

Grey skin, scarred every inch of the body, makes a thin layer over visible bones.

The scars are freshly cut in several places, oozing blood onto the forest floor.

Bones lie exposed beneath the deep wounds.

It’s hair is matted nearly beyond recognition, and void of any color…

The face is sunken in, the chin and cheekbones protrude out as charcoal tears stream along paths from the eyes, as if each drop pushes closer and closer to the barely covered bones.

But the eyes… I have to lean closer to make them out. Pale green and glazed over, nearly unrecognizable because of the dark tears welling within them.

But there is something freakishly familiar about them.

And it finally hits me.

This monster is me.

I fall to the ground, the image of my soul following me.


I knew I was destroyed… scars reminding me of all that I’ve experienced — all that I’ve learned.

But these fresh cuts are what bothers me.

I thought I was healing, moving on from the past…. but this is all the more proof that it’s still so real.

So recent.

I can’t take this pain anymore.

I reach to my left side… fingers grazing where my heart lies.

And I claw my way in. Ripping flesh and tearing muscle away until I finally reach it.

I pull as hard as I can… the pain is overwhelming…. but I want this.

I need it.

I cough, and with one final split… I’ve ripped my heart out.

Falling to the ground, I’m convulsing and out of control.

Blood pools around me, and I don’t even care if it stops.

I swivel my head around toward my hand… And there it lies.

Shriveled, leaking onyx metallic blood…. mutilated beyond function.

I throw it as far as I can from me… accepting what is sure to come next.

Much to my surprise… I feel a light warming my face….

I open my eyes… finding that the sun is burning through the trees… and shining right on me.

My body is lifting towards the light…

Spreading as I rise.

I’m floating, further and further away… but still the mirror is before me.

I begin spinning… losing sight of where I am in this strange world.

I close my eyes… spinning, lifting, shining… and pass out.

When I awake… the woods are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.

Light hits the leaves and they glow purple… the trunks of the trees are a rich and vivid brown.

The ground is all water…. revealing the beauty of the roots below.

I look around… my legs are carrying me all around this gorgeous scene.

My eyes scanning the woods, frantically searching.

It must be here.

Finally, I make my discovery.

My mirror.

I run toward it… and the image I see is beyond imagination.

Skin is pale porcelain perfect.

Hair is shining ebony, unlike I’ve ever seen.

And my eyes… blazing emeralds against the faint background.

Glimmering in the sunlight.

The place where my heart is is emanating it’s own light.

Shining brighter than any star.

Like a phoenix is resurrected from the ashes, I will rise again.

Beautiful. New. Happy.

I am my own beacon of light, of hope, and of happiness.

I have all that I need, in this disguised heart.






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June 20, 2010

Wow… this is amazing. So vivid and descriptive. You really take the reader on a journey and keep them wondering what’s next. I love the comparison to the phoenix, rising out of ashes. It’s a powerful image that lingers in the mind. You certainly have a talent. And nice way to work in your OD name. *smiles*

June 20, 2010

I really enjoyed the ending. Pretty interesting depiction of the journey we go through in life. Each of us tackling it in a different way, always alone it seems in so doing, and never far from the pain of yesterday adjoined by the hope of tomorrow. Always in stark contrast to the reality of today, I find. Nicely executed ending. I always feel that in writing there should be a line or phrase..

June 20, 2010

..that stands out and really leaves an indelible mark on the reader. The other thing I always feel is essential to a really good piece of writing is that the ending leave the reader feeling something. It doesn’t matter what, as long as it is a powerful emotion. Be it awe, fear, sadness, empathy, joy, or just appreciation you want to make them feel something. Such power in mere words, huh?

June 20, 2010

Sweet about the new job. What are you doing this summer for work? I assume the new job being away from painful memories means you aren’t working with your ex and the best friend and that crazy chick. Any idea what has signaled such a rebirth within you? It’s a joy to see and read. Oh, I’m doing pretty well. No complaints here, really. I’m quite excited for July 3rd. Shayla comes to visit. 🙂

June 20, 2010

And I’m pretty content. I rarely write out of actual anger or pain anymore. It sometimes happens, though, and usually I think one can tell. I usually just like to see if I can reconnect to old feelings of loss, betrayal, angst, being alone, etc.. because those qualities are important to keep with you to be able to express yourself vividly with meager words and phrases.

June 21, 2010

Well, I can’t blame you at all for having this be your favorite. I won’t deny I was looking forward to reading it simply because of the name. It had the word reverie in it and I have always liked odd and unusual words being woven into the fabric of a piece.. it adds a more aged and poetic quality to it I think? Though I have a lot of odd thoughts on writing so feel free to ignore me. 😀

June 21, 2010

Ah, that’s kinda fascinating.. I’m not easily moved by words, but rather by action. I once probably was moved far too easily by words, but words are free. Anyone can offer you words and phrases. ‘I love you’s don’t mean as much if they aren’t founded and rooted in expression via action and overt displays. You know, too many can worm their way into our hearts without just cause with only words..

June 21, 2010

I don’t think lyrics speaking to your heart is cheesy. Trust me, I don’t care how good a song sounds, I’m not going to put it on my mp3 player if the lyrics don’t inspire me or move me.. as long as the song has some really good writing, a good sound to it, and a nice voice.. Well, that’s all I want. I tend to like singers and songwriters who write their own stuff. Pop music? No thanks!

June 21, 2010

Though I don’t really have a type of music I most care for.. I love a ton of female singers to a little bit of country I get exposed to by friends to rock and alternative and oldies.. I just want something that is more than shake that ass, y’know? Don’t get me wrong, those can be fun songs, too, but that’s not what I’m looking for most times with music. I want inspiration.

June 21, 2010

Though, I guess if songs like that get girls to shake their things, then maybe that could be inspiring, too. *ponders* I’ll just have to wonder about that one. hah. Oh, the ways we become inspired.. lol. A teller at the bank? That’s actually a great job to have because anywhere you end up living is going to have a bank and invariably they’ll be hiring tellers. Good skill to learn.

June 21, 2010

Sweet. Going to Arizona for the 4th with family? Or do you have relatives there or something? Hope you have a blast. Yeah, I’m already working my countdown for it. I only sound like I deserve it? *gasp* I promise I do! Then again, that’s just words, isn’t it? Foiled by my own standards! Dagnabbit.

June 21, 2010

Eh, we all get depressed that happens. Trust me, I’m pretty upbeat considering my life and the past, and there was a time I was beset by depression. You just have to find your way through the thicket until you see sunlight once more, y’know? It’s a journey we all must endure.. And endure it alone. Sadly, people usually turn to alcohol or drugs or sex or whatever to dull it. It’s a shame.

June 21, 2010

Being able to handle depression and being alone and broken-hearted is an important process we shouldn’t dull with outside influences just because it hurts. I mean, it hurts like hell, but that’s what makes it so desirable. So very intoxicating. We want to find it again because it was a feeling where we were high on life.. high on love.. just happy.

June 21, 2010

So, it’s kind of a challenge to make it through it and to be able to say you can conquer being alone or depressed and to know you did it all on your own accord. You should be proud of yourself for realizing the good fortune that has smiled upon you.. We can always be in much worse shape. I know I could be a lot worse off. Sometimes we lose sight of that, we just got to keep reminding ourselves.

June 21, 2010

Glass is half full, huh? Highfive. Right on. Question — what’s in the glass, though? lol. I’m sure it is milk in the glass.. milk and cookies, right? Aw, you’ll find someone. It won’t take long. You seem smart, you can write, perhaps have an eye for music, you’ve got a background of varied interests, you’re fun to converse with, attractive.. Dude, you’ll find it in no time. No doubts.

June 21, 2010

And wow, yeah, I just called you dude. No, it can’t rain all the time. Love that movie. Love that line. The rain is when I feel most at peace.. Though rainbows only show when the downpour has stopped.. Keep on rocking the world.

June 22, 2010

I thought I saw you sign onto skype a bit ago but now you seemed to have disappeared. Hope you’re doing well.

June 22, 2010

What’s up, party girl? A half-glass of tequila, huh? Well, I don’t know a whole lot about alcohol, but I do know one thing. Don’t ever get drunk or try to off of tequila. Not fun. At all. Promise. I don’t think you’re an alcoholic. I just think you’re a drunk. Wait! I’m kidding. heh, I don’t think much is bad in moderation, well, outside of most drugs. Drugs are bad. But alcohol can be nice.

June 22, 2010

Well, I don’t think it was really the point to confuse people.. heh. I had some intentions when writing the piece, though I imagine that things got a bit muddied for the reader. Happens sometimes when I am trying to get things to flow the way I like and I over-edit. Anyway, the theme was about reflection and the very importance of substance or rather the lack thereof. I’m so vague. 😀

June 22, 2010

Oh, man, the Grand Canyon, huh? There’s a standup comedian I champion as my absolute hero and he does a pretty funny bit involving the Canyon. He’s kind of vulgar, though, so he isn’t always favored amongst the ladies. I find him quite amusing, though, especially the Grand Canyon part of his standup. Well, it sounds like you’re quite excited, and I do not blame you one bit. Take pictures!

June 22, 2010

I think the entry lived up to expectations. Hey, nothing quite like setting the bar real high and having to work to meet them, right? Actions are what matters. Words are what guys use to get girls out of their pants. Trust me on that. I’m a guy. heh. I have faith you are overcoming quite many odds in that regard. You seem to be the quick study.

June 22, 2010

Oh, so you have *good* music then, do you? Well, by all means, I fully expect you to share it. *taps foot* I’m waiting. Now the expectations are pretty high.. I’m curious to see what music moves you, actually..

June 22, 2010

Ha, a girl being too easy for me? Never in a million years.. *whistles*