everything is sound

I’ve been running all out for days now.

Awaking before the sun, reposing long after he retires his duties to the waning moon.

But for the first time in ages, I found solid terrain beneath my feet.

A path to the future, away from the consuming darkness and toward the ever desired light.

He is the ground, secure and balanced.

Inspiring me to be better through his own ambition.

Pushing with a relentless drive to accomplish all that he wants — and all that he needs.

This summer was a growing one for me.

An acceptance of responsibility — of giving up the things and people I love to do what I have to.

I spent weeks to months sleeping away a seemingly never ending fatigue and

A never ending pain…. 

That has finally subsided.

I’m no longer the monster of darkness I so often saw myself as, trapped in a world I wanted to be in….

not the one that exists.

I’ve finally found the light….

skin tingling…

face warm….

eyes blinded by purity.

I was losing touch… spinning faster and faster into a life I couldn’t control.

And to tell the truth I still feel as though I’m not…

But the revolutions are lessening… 

The world is coming back into focus.

And solid ground is the first thing I see.


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September 6, 2010

Beautiful writing.

September 6, 2010

I’m glad things are going well for you. Was nice chatting tonight. Hope that the long distance thing doesn’t create any problems for you.

September 7, 2010

You have a lyrical style of writing that is quite nice yourself. I like reading it. You bring up some deep thoughts and touch on advanced things in your work that are fun to sit and mull on. I hope to read more as time permits. –Fox–

September 16, 2010

this is quite nice. also, i know you left it weeks ago, but thanks for the kind words you noted me.

September 20, 2010

Just always keep in mind that happiness and the light do not revolve around a boy or a love, but rather it is embodied within you. You are the light. Life is an experience of learning to embrace it. 🙂