
Everything is falling apart…

Slipping through my fingers like sand.

At least before I had a jar to catch it all in.

Now it runs like water

To the floor and swept away by the wind…

Everything I care about is ruined or about to be.

I used to think I could fix all this,

patch and repair and mend until I was like new again.


But without support, 

I can’t do anything.

My only hope now is to destroy…

To set this life up in flames and start again where the phoenix was born.

A place where heat is constant but humidity is non existent.


Everything I care about forgot to care about me back.

Like I’ve said before… Everyone and everything will disappoint you if you give it enough time.

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theres an engraving for a tombstone.. long time i would say something ridiculous like “hope all is well” but eh.. surely that isnt the case anyways good luck and all the rubbish

July 28, 2011

:O your writings beautiful :/ buttt if nothing else cares, remember that i care about yoU 🙂