days or nights, all the same pain.

Night has arrived, at last. 

Sometimes it feels that days and days pass without the beauty of the midnight sky.

Stars burn holes in the galaxy, the moon hangs low toward the horizon.

And I get to enjoy it in one of my favorite places…. my car.

Alone, but never lonely, I drive into the unknown.

Headlights ignite the darkness and drive away the demons.

Music surrounds me on all sides, blasts into my ears, yet my head is clear… void of the thoughts I fight all day to suppress.

I could drive forever around this empty city…. or follow the road out to the country and never return.

To escape heartache of knowingly being trapped in the past. To run away…. because running into my problems never helped anything.

No matter how hard I’ve tried, I confront issues and they always just come back around. Never worked out, just more complicated than before.

It’s my only choice now…. to stop trying to fix the things I don’t even understand.

I twisted truths into lies and vice versa to the point where I don’t believe a single word… warped close friends into acquaintances because I refuse to trust anymore.

I’ve destroyed myself in an attempt to find the person I was with you…

Inspired. Passionate. Risky. Driven. Romantic. Most importantly….


It’s not you I miss… it never has been. But the person I was with you, I’d give anything to have that person back. 

My biggest fear is that she’s gone forever. Burnt away like the gasoline that filled the tank before the drive to save my soul.


well shit. that’s not where I wanted that to go.




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June 16, 2010

RYN: How long are you house sitting? And thanks, glad you liked the poem 🙂

June 16, 2010

You’ll be happy again someday. I know it.

June 17, 2010

Thank you for your comment. it’s nice to know we’re not alone in the world, no matter how alone we may feel sometimes. that’s why i love OD. and just like you could identify with my entry, I can identify with this. it’s personal, it’s passionate…and most of all, it’s exactly how my soul feels sometimes. thanks.

June 18, 2010

Sometimes the words take us where they want us to go. In the end, you aren’t a complete tapestry. Not just yet. We never really are. Right now you discovered a new colour, and suddenly you are without it. You are trying to paint, but without that shade you feel lost to complete the portrait of you. Yet you are capable of doing so, you just don’t realize it.

June 18, 2010

The truth is that you are just now discovering who you can be. Not who you are, but who you may well become. You need to develop still, quite a bit really, we all do. It isn’t really until we are about 25 that we are rounded as individuals. You’re smoothing out rough edges only to find fraying when you finish.. another task to undertake. Always another. You learn of love. Pain. Being broken.

June 18, 2010

And ultimately you learn the most important lesson of all.. Being free. Free from what you felt you needed to be happy, free from the constraints of “I thought I’d have done so much more with my life by the time I’m (insert age here), this is horrible.” moments.. Free from the need to conform into whatever mold you are trying to find yourself and shape yourself to be. Happiness is hard work.

June 19, 2010

Well, hey, I do so like to amaze, what can I say? Aim to serve and all that jazz. 😀 lol I appreciate your kind words, as always. It’s always fascinating to me what lines or words stand out to different people. Those I enjoyed, but I have my own favorites of course. Sometimes it stuns me when some of the things I write that I don’t care for others loved and ones I adored others didn’t care for.

June 19, 2010

Though I suppose that’s just the way it goes with words and artistry. You never know what strikes a chord with anyone, and you do your best to convey whatever it is you might feel or have felt. Anyway, pleased you liked it. Getting worried? Psh. Nothing to fear. I’m not so easy to get rid of. Well, unless you want me gone. Then I’d leave, obviously. Cause otherwise it’s a wee bit creepy. lol.

June 19, 2010

Hope you are faring well yourself, since I have not really conversed with you much. So on topic, how is life treating you of late? No, I suppose it isn’t dead to you romantic girls, thankfully, but it certainly isn’t a common thread in the fabric of today’s way of life, which saddens me greatly. Oh, trust me, plenty of girls are NOT romantic. I’ve encountered many of them, even fallen for a few.

June 19, 2010

The second girl I ever fell in love with was very much pragmatic and practical and hardly romantic. She had a difficult time expressing herself and her feelings. She was wound a bit tight, I suppose. Anyway, she enjoyed cuddling and the such, but as for my writing/poetry? She couldn’t have cared less. Never had any desire to read anything I wrote. It just wasn’t her thing. She didn’t “get” poetry.

June 19, 2010

Which to some degree I can understand, but then at the same time a lot of poetry isn’t meant to be dissected. You can read it and not get the deeper meanings and undertones.. just like with songs. Music can be emotional and deep and poetic.. I appreciate music on a level most musicians do not. They admire the harmonics and the chords and the way the instruments are played.

June 19, 2010

Meanwhile, I am just looking for some writing and lyrics that inspire me that sounds good. I have no idea whether or not they are groundbreaking guitarists or what not. That’s not the level I appreciate music on, so I think poetry can be heard and loved on any level. I knew another girl I very much desired to be with, but things just never seemed to work out between us.

June 19, 2010

She didn’t like my “mushy” poetry, for example. Just wasn’t big on romance, I suppose. She very much loved my darker and angrier poetry, though. She actually is very artistically inclined. She painted a black rose for me and also made an actual book in which she copied in some of my poetry at the time for my birthday along with a photo of me. The pages look weathered and old. It’s amazing.

June 19, 2010

So, anyway, plenty of girls are not romantic, sadly. It’s really quite disappointing.. See, cause it means the poetry thing only works on some of them. mwahahaha. Okay, I’m terrible. Stopping now. Have a great one. 😀