My Cat Is An A-hole.

I’ve been up since 3:30…not by choice. But by four legged fuck face. I love her but I think I’m going to have to break down and keep her out of my room at night. Pfff….yeah right. I’ll never do that. I’m her bitch.

The plus is I had time to actually FIX my hair this morning instead of washing it and then throwing it in a ponytail. It looks nice, I feel pretty but I’m about 30 seconds from throwing it in a ponytail. Haha.

I had 9 emails from my boss when I came in this morning. 7 are things I’ve already answered and sent her the backup for. 1 was informational and 1 was just dumb. I used to get frustrated when she would ask for the same stuff over and over. Its like, READ MY LAST 17 EMAILS. But now I’m just like, whatevs. Now I just forward the email I already sent with a “Here you go”. What can I say, I’m mellowing in my old age. Though sometimes I will drop a passive aggressive, “As previously stated…” but I got talked to about that during my review so I have to keep that shit to a minimum. My review was pretty decent and I got a bigger raise this year than I did last year. 2017 for me personally/emotionally was a rough year and I wasn’t the best at leaving some stuff at home. It wasn’t my work that got dinged, it never is. It’s my mouth and apparently my facial expressions. I have ZERO poker face and that doesn’t bode well when you work with a bunch of mouth breathers. A lot of those people have left and my doctor increased my medication so its all good. Haha. I find it best now to just keep my headphones on and my mouth shut.

So I figured out what I’m going to do with my tax money. Despite REALLY REALLY REALLY wanting that Louis Vuitton bag, I’m not going to get it. Instead I am getting the new tattoo, paying off credit cards and putting the rest in savings. Lame. If he were still alive, my Dad would be proud of me. I’m not. I WANT TO BE IRRESPONSIBLE. I WANT TO BUY RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE BAGS I DON’T NEED!!!! But I was raised Catholic and the guilt would eat my alive.

I got my Mom a gold Kate Spade bangle bracelet for her birthday. Its really pretty and I hope she likes it. She’s hard to shop for. She always says gift cards are fine but I mean, its her 75th birthday. I’m not giving her a gift card to JC Penny or WalMart.

Okay, this is so dumb so feel free to laugh. Since my hair is down and I feel relatively pretty today, I’m trying to think of a reason to walk by Ant-Knees office. Haha. I’m such a dork. When I look like a crackhead, I run into him at least 3 times a day. When I look human…nada.

Buuuuhhhhh…………I should probably get back to work. I need to process expense reports and cut checks. I’ve already gotten 3 “Am I getting my expense check today” emails. Its the repeat offenders so I don’t even bother answering anymore. I have very little power here but what power I do have, I abuse the shit out of. 🙂




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February 1, 2018

When I lived with my ex, the cats would always wake me up too.  Usually, I had one laying on my chest, staring at me.  Now it’s dogs that get me up, but they’re pretty chill and usually let me sleep in.  🙂

Glad you feel pretty today!  I love that feeling!

February 1, 2018

@rubykisses She purrs REALLY loud and shows affection by giving headbutts. 9 times out of 10 she gets me in the nose or right on the brow bone. Aww, thanks! Very rarely do I feel pretty so its nice when it does happen. 🙂

February 2, 2018

@dietcokehead I miss kitty purrs and headbutts! My ex has all 4 cats, as when I moved out, I couldn’t take them with me. Big Dog is pondering letting me get a hypoallergenic breed of cat once we are down to two dogs (we have 4 now). He’s allergic, so I can’t just go to the shelter and adopt one. 🙁

February 1, 2018

Your title totally grabbed my attention. Cat’s always are dicks at night. Stupid sleeping all day *pfft*

February 1, 2018

@letlovein Right?!? If I dare walk into the room while she’s napping she meows at me like she’s scolding me.

February 1, 2018

My cat is such an asshole too… which is why we get along so well. He knows not to push his luck, but he runs this place like he owns it.

February 1, 2018

One of my cats was doing that last night, too. She’d get on my nightstand and meow at my face until I woke up.

February 1, 2018

@vamp haha!