Hello Kitty and Kris Kristofferson


I swear y’all…this week just about did me in. So now I’m in my living room wearing my Hello Kitty slippers and listening to Kris Kristofferson really loud to drown out the bitch upstairs that can’t walk like a human and the bitch across the way that cackles like fucking Witchy Poo every time she laughs. I can’t get any fucking peace at all. So I started out with some Tim McGraw and then moved on to Stone Temple Pilots and Hatebreed. Then I just hit shuffle and Kris came up so I just kept it on him. I love that dude. That music reminds me of my Dad. I miss him. Even if he was an asshole.

Do I want to talk about what happened in Parkland Florida? I don’t know if I have the energy right now. Its heartbreaking and infuriating all at the same time. I will say this though, those kids are fucking LEGIT. They give me hope for our future. The days of the GOP/NRA love affair are over. The days of throwing up our hands and saying, “Well, there’s nothing we can do” are fucking over. These kids aren’t fucking around, they are in it to win it and I couldn’t be prouder. Okay…I guess I did want to talk about it. haha.

I brought home work this weekend. I have to make up some hours. My uterus decided to go rogue and give me a 12 day cracked out period so I called out on Friday of last week. It was disgusting. I went to the Gyno yesterday and she changed my pill. While I was there she weighed me (bitch) and I’m down 122 pounds and my blood pressure is normal for the first time in 4 years. I absolutely REFUSED to go on blood pressure medication. That’s what started me changing my eating habits and what not. That being said, I would whore out my mother for some Ben & Jerry’s right now.

Do you guys have Instagram? If you do, you have to follow Will Smith. Holy shit he is hilarious! His is the best account I’ve ever followed.

I was just looking at my iTunes and I have an exorbitant amount of Justin Bieber in my library. haha. I haaaaaated that kid when he first came out. Then as a joke my best friend sent me his first CD for Christmas and god damnit if I didn’t start to like the little bastard. Then he got all stupid and did destructive shit and I tapped out. His Dad is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a douche bag.

DUDE! Have you watched ‘Everything Sucks” on Netflix yet? It is sooooooooooo good. ProTip: Don’t watch the last 3 episodes at work unless you are prepared to ugly cry at your desk. It is such a good show.

I have to pee. Remind me to tell you about my brothers fighting on Facebook. My oldest brother is fucking SAVAGE and I am HERE FOR IT!


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February 24, 2018

I had several things I wanted to comment on but when you said Will Smith I lost all hope of a thought making sense in my head right now so I’ll have to come back. I would do Will Smith…. And I would do him right in front of my husband. Damn…..Lol.

February 24, 2018

Sibling fights are the best! 😅

February 26, 2018

Hopefully you didn’t lose too much of the weekend working! 🙂