Friday in Apt 116

We be raging up in this bitch!

Not really though. I’m in the living room watching Guys Grocery Games and I’m already in my pajamas. I don’t even care though. I was exhausted when I got home from work today. Traffic was lame so it took me over an hour to get home. People do the dumbest shit in traffic just to get ahead of two cars. Its ridiculous.

I suppose I should tell you some stuff about me. I work in government contracts and have for over 20 years. I’ve never been married but have been in several long term relationships. The longest being 10 years. We were super young when we got together and probably stayed together 5 years longer than we should have. He’s married now and has, I think, 2 kids. Yes, I Facebook stalked him. Whatevs. I was curious. He looks the same just older. Which makes sense. His wife is pretty, yes I stalked her page too. The funny thing is we have A LOT in common politically and sense of humor wise. She is totally someone I would be friends with. They look happy and I’m glad. No, really…I mean it. 🙂

I don’t have kids and that’s deffo by choice. I like kids but at this stage of the game, I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too selfish to have any. I have a cat. She’s an asshole but seriously adorable which is a good thing because like I said, she’s an asshole. I have 3 nephews and even though I shouldn’t, I definitely have a favorite. He’s my sister’s son and seriously the best kid ever. I love my other two nephews, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t have the same relationship with them because my brother (their Dad) is/was an asshole. My family is fucked up. But I mean, who’s isn’t?

I’m debating on whether or not I want to put a full face picture on here. I probably will eventually but for right now I’m going to show off my Eagles hat instead. 🙂 FLY EAGLES FLY! I can’t even tell you how excited I am that they are in the Super Bowl. I had planned on flying back to Philly and partying with my friends but my Mom’s 75th birthday party is the day before the Super Bowl and I don’t want to miss that. I mean, its my Mom. She’s the only parent I have left. My Dad passed away in 2001. He was only 57 and it was totally unexpected. And it still sucks.

What else? I have 2 brothers and a sister. My sister is one of my best friends and truth be told, if I never saw or spoke to my brothers again…I would be okay with that. Shitty, I know but true. Like I said, my family is fucked up. My oldest brother was my tormentor for years and years. After a while you just stop trying to make someone be nice to you. I guess you can’t make that happen now that I think about it. I like his wife though. She’s a good egg. My other brother is married to the most annoying fucking person on earth. I can’t with her. But I fake it or at least try to when we have family functions. My brother is awesome to be around when she’s not there. She makes everything so awkward and weird. Thank god for my sister and her son. I’d lose my shit other wise.

Are you still with me or have you been bored to death? haha. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for hanging in there. I have a potty mouth in case you didn’t pick up on that. I tried to not swear and failed miserably. I like to say swears. Especially “mother fucker”. That one is my favorite. I try to control it when I’m around my Mom because well…she’s my Mom. I try to control it at work but its hard. I work with some real mouth breathers and it can get to be a bit much. For the most part I like the people I work with and I have a lot of freedoms at my job. My boss trusts me to be a grown up and do what I need to do so she doesn’t micromanage. She’s very cool about time off and if I want to work from home, she’s cool with that too. I get more done in the office though because I’m easily distracted by my four legged friend who doesn’t give a rip about personal space. She will get all up in my grill while I’m working so I have to take a kitty break.

I have a lot of stuff to say and I’ll probably write daily. I may seem relatively normal now but trust me…the crazy will come out. My friend Luke, who I met on this site as a matter of fact, told me a long time ago he can always tell how angry I am by how many F bombs I drop. Haha. Like I said, its my favorite. I wonder if Luke will come back to OD? I hope so. He’s pretty fucking amazing. I’d actually HAVE his babies. If he weren’t already married.

Okay, I’ma wrap it up and go explore the site and look for people to friend. Have a good night. Yay for the weekend!



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January 27, 2018

Welcome back! I love how everyone is writing these nice, normal first entries but we all know the crazy entries are coming back (which are way better anyway, let’s be honest)

January 27, 2018

@colourmyworld Right?!?! I was just kind of testing the waters with the first 2 and then I got real on the one from today. It didn’t take long to feel comfortable again! I had some amazing experiences my first time around with OD and some horrible ones. So I was hesitant at first. Thanks for friending me!

January 27, 2018

I only have 1 niece and zero nephews. I don’t see her at all because her mother is a bee with an itch. My brother is divorced and gets little time with her so I refuse to even ask for any of what little time he has. I feel like crap about it, but as a divorced man with kids, I get it. I accepted your friend request and am eager to read more… cheers!

January 27, 2018

@peter_24601 It sucks when the ex is an asshole and uses the kids to manipulate. I would love to have the same relationship with all 3 of my nephews but I take what I can get from my brother’s kids. My sister has never kept her son from me even when she and I have been in some NASTY fights and she would have been well within her rights to do so. Thanks for friending me!