updating by way of photos
i’ve been really bad at keeping up here, by the time i have a minute to sit down i don’t feel like doing much but sleep.
plus, my numbness is making it too hard to type.
hope these aren’t too huge.
a couple of shots from remi’s newborn shoot.
it’s amazing how big she’s gotten since these.
from my birthday. her “monthday” was the same day.
jace has been into batman and spiderman lately. it’s funny to hear him sing the tune for spiderman.
we slid off the road yesterday trying to avoid an accident. luckily, we missed all the other cars and didn’t hit anything else.
remi started smiling recently. mostly she smiles at her daddy.
in her new diaper covers. she’s still a bit small for them.
jace and my cousin’s kid. i’m not sure what that makes them. 2nd cousins?
jace always wants in on the photos when i’m snapping away at remi.
i always swore i wouldn’t put a huge flower/bow on my kid, but i knitted this headband and the flower turned out huge. didn’t want to waste all the effort, though.
Yes, they would be 2nd cousins.
Love her smile!
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awww, Jace and Remi are so cute together!!!!
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You have such cute kids! I love the expression on their faces.
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Your children are so beautiful
And surprisingly I quite like the giant flower, it’s sweet on her!
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