i think i’m done with OD. i know a lot of people write here for themselves, but that’s not me. if i want to write for myself, i can use my personal journal application.
and even just saying that, sounds really selfish. like i just write here for attention. and, i guess, maybe that’s all it is.
but it doesnt seem like i have all that many friends here, anyway. i dont need droves, but some indication that i’m not wasting my time would be nice.
cant stop reading others’ stuff, though. too many people i’ve read for years.
I will miss you if you go. I know I’m bad about leaving notes but I do read your entries.
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RYN: Yay, well I’m happy to have you still around!
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RYN: I know that quote…what movie is it from?
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Never mind, I got it! Timmy gets to drink from the fire hose! Lol!
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im glad i have you on fb
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RYN: Yes. The kids are in bed by 7:30. I do like to stay up after they’re down because that’s the only time I have with Dave (if he’s home!) and also I can just decompress a bit. As soon as I wake up, I’m running, you know? I would love to be asleep by like 9:05pm but it is usually between 10-10:30.
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RYN: Did you order the curriculum from HoH?
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RYN: are you on FB? We should connect!
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RYN: There are a lot of people with your name, lol! I’m Corrina Brodersen – look me up!
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RYN: Yes, it measures current speed, average speed, cadence, trip miles, total miles, etc. It costs about $50. And then the ones with the GPS and maps and all that are hundreds more. We’re going with the $50 one, lol. Mileage and cadence are pretty important to know when you’re training!
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RYN: Thank you!! I’m so glad to find someone who understands how frustrated I am about what the lawyer said about how I was dressed!!! lol.
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RYN(1):(About Syria) Yes – I do mean Congress, The Senate and The President, rather than every person who lives in the US
RYN(2):(About Daria and Jane) I just think MTV couldn’t show a cartoon with that much lesbian sex in it, so they put it all in to subtext
Or – you know – I was just bored and wanted to exercise my imagination!
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