been feeling a little depressed lately. i’ve decided to move me and the kids to a regular schedule. i can’t take going to bed in the middle of a lovely day any more.
we’re going to see my family in a week. my sister is coming home from her mission. once we go, then the kids and i won’t be on the graveyard schedule any longer.
my surgery got pushed back to april 30 for insurance reasons. this is really expensive without insurance. my arm is about to be worth over $20,000.
i’ve been doing some work again the last couple weeks and it’s so stressful. i can’t type as fast as usual with the loss of my pinky finger. and with the baby, i’m down to 10 hours a week (which i can usually do in half the time) but after this week, i’m done until fall, which really means december.
i’ve been thinking about looking for work (for jeff) outside of the valley. he told me he’s happy with the work he’s doing, he’s just sad that there will never be a promotion or growth for him. i’m totally fine with him working at a hotel for the rest of his life if he’s truly enjoying the work, but we both know he’d be happier if he could learn and grow, maybe become a manager or owner of a hotel someday.
we can’t find that here, so maybe we need to look elsewhere, just still within the state.
kids are good. i can’t believe how big remi is getting. it’s going so fast this time. i still feel like there might be a third child in our family, and i have until about july next year to decide on that, since i’d want to have them all spaced about the same. that seems SO soon to think about another child. but i’m still undecided – i feel like 2 is right at the moment, but sometimes i just catch myself thinking of a third, like it’d be more complete then. we’ll see.
we got jace a new bed recently. he’d been sleeping on my girly day bed from when i was a teen. this one has a thin mattress that fits underneath, so when remi moves out of the crib (around 15 months, if we do it when we did with jace) we don’t have to worry about her rolling out and onto the floor. and it saves a lot of space in that little room. now if only i could manage to sell off the day bed..
Lovely kids
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You’re in a tough spot.
I can understand the depression. Remi is gorgeous! 
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Hopefully Jeff can find a different job. I remember when we first got married and Joe worked second shift. I was in school full-time so we rarely got to spend much time together. It wasn’t fun.
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Maybe you should sell your arm for that amount of money instead. haha. Kidding!
I hope changing the schedule will make you feel better. Maybe the new change will be good for all of you? Even if either way wasn’t the ideal. Sometimes it’s nice just to do something different so you don’t get stuck doing the same thing over and over. And your kids are soooooo adorable! Now I wantto eat both of them! hehe.
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