parents are all in town. remi is having her blessing tomorrow in church. we’ll have everyone over for “lunch” (at 10 am..) at our house. it will be interesting to see if they all fit in here.
my hand is killing me. i am so not thrilled with having surgery, but i’m more okay with it because i’m so sick of this nerve pain. i’m more worried about recovery, i think.
jace is an unholy terror lately. i havent ever really dealt with 2 year olds, so i was worried we’ve done something horribly wrong to make him act this way, but my mom assures me that it’s normal. it’s the ‘terrible twos’ for a reason, after all. i’m trying really hard to not lose my mind on an hourly basis. i hate that i can’t make him feel better, i guess. i don’t want him to be upset and acting out.
not much more to say than that, at the moment.
Hope your hand gets to feeling better hon. Your children are just so beautiful. Those blue eyes are just mesmerizing. 2 year olds can really test you, but it will pass.
HOpe you are well my dear. Thank you for the birthday wish.
/wave ~Randi
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Aww, they look so much alike with their blue eyes and noses!
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I’m sorry to hear you will need surgery. It won’t be easy with two kids to care for. I was just talking about the terrible twos earlier. It isn’t what I expected. Sakura is so emotional. It is hard to predict what you will get from her.
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Ohhh, so cute. Sooo terrible, but sooo cute… LOL.
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