Snot and Tissues
I should have expected it seeing as I have exams. I have a cold. Annoying!
I start work in Safeways on Saturday, and I’m not realy looking forward to it. It will be some more income, but I always get this slight mild panic when I start something new. It always takes me a while to learn everything, and everyone’s names. I hate the fact that I may have given them a false expectation of my previous checkout skills, they think I’ll only need a "refresher" course – when i have never actually been on a till in my life. Help!
Checkouts are dead easy to use. They have to be. Tesco have a policy of employing over 60s to work them, and most of those people probably struggle with a VCR, so it’ll be a doddle for a bright young thing like you 🙂
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oh, and get well soon :o)
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How do they label produce over there? Here each item has a four digit number associate with it, so if a head of lettuce comes through you hit 4061 instead of scanning it since there is no barcode, that was the hard part, learning all the codes for produce, other than that dealing with the money is easy.
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Hey… you left a note with no contents. Deliberately? Good luck with your job. I worked in a convenience store when I was a mere slip of a boy, and had stress dreams about the tills. They were a bit old-fashioned, mind. Elb’s right – I’m sure these days it’s all very str8forward. And you being a genius and all… 😉
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You sound very lovable (I am drunk; have no fear!). xxx
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