Issues of Control
As I write this I’m listening to Classic FM on my phone. Yes thats right, Im actually 78 years old. Seriously though I find it so calming, and, weirdly, quite comforting for some reason. The fact there is lots of music and very little adverts means it is much less distracting. I dont know a thing about classical music, and even when I realise I like a piece of music, I forget its name, or its composer. I do find that it actually lifts my mood, even though some of the music is depressing. I like to wallow in the depression for a bit, and I feel like I’ve let off some steam, and I perk up a bit afterwards.
I am trying to get to the end of my lab project without tearing my own hair out. Nothing is working, but never mind. Its the write-up that counts. It will probably be quite a small write-up though…
Im also making lots of lists today. I’ve made a general list, with things like; "lab work, sort washing, phone parents, write to Gran," etc and for some of those tasks I have sub-lists which go into more detail; "make four bottle of agar, make 40 test ubes of broth etc". I like to be able to sort out all of the tasks in my head, then I write numbers at the side of them to indicate the logical order of them. It clears my head a little to have clearly prioritised tasks in front of me. Im worried it makes me vaguely autistic or something though. I like to have order and control in some areas, and yet Im so lazy in others. I am weird.
It just means your well organised, and that can only be a good thing. Personally, I write lists then just do things randomly anyway, which is a bad thing.
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