
So how does this reflect on me, my hypothalamus and you? footheels clanking on particle board floors, silence is the repurcussion dealt for my inability to turn the other cheek. so, and so on we’re dealt and deal with each other’s realities inadvertantly, each other’s inconsistencies and darkness as a state of mind, so how do you do? and the way this all matters i find so difficult to imagine as the plates are always shifting and the ocean keeps swallowing our cities – how much of what you feel is regret? when you speak my name, is it softly? is it safely? do you wander the same sidewalks the same days of the same weeks or do you glide, close your eyes and find heaven with each swish of passing car? do you wear through your heels and the knees of your jeans gracefully? do you land on your feet with each throwback to start? does reality save you from your dreams (vice-versa)? am i projecting? myself unto you, i do. i tragically bestow my life unto you. if you’ll have me, my faultlines drawn in so you’ll know.

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i sung this entry aloud.

my, i never thought i’d become so vain as to happily assume i know who you’re writing about and then assume i have no idea with the happy assumption still in mind, i define daft.

i read this and wanted it to be addressed to me– wanted it to be addressed to me– wanting and knowing live on opposite sides of the planet, speak antirely different languages, wear clothes ridiculous to each other, dream in warring constellations and will never ever meet. who do you accuse when you catch yerself lying to yerself? you laugh, and that’s enough.

aw hell………. your the best kind of stanger, best of luck sweetness… i love you always.

my name’s jeff. you are, not a scar or a blemish and chrome wheels, deals. right. so, then why am i talking to you because your name is not said softly.