inadequacy, stunned.

the train left
the station too soon
and you
were running as though you could catch
like the butterflies
as a child
you so admired
asphyxiated and pinned
maybe writhing
to corkboard
a waste
of fresh air caught
in a dead man’s lungs
while you
try to expunge
sweet life
before it wrecks you
before it wastes you

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the gates stop the flood

ryn: that essay is a little incomplete, but i currently don’t have the time to really do a proper, sound paper. networks like BET are harmful, because in differentiating blacks as different, they uphold them as the “other”, something different, and also less thn whites. i think the civil rights movement was a success, in terms of what its objectives became.

… continued i didn’t go too far into it, but the civil rights movement was hijacked by whites, and used to successfully perpetuate the status of blacks and other minorities as deviant from the standard (whiteness). the only change, was they have the opportunity to obtain white-level through economic means. black award shows are a great example. they say “you’ve done well, for a black.”

…continued still obviously though, progress has been made. minority status has improved. the problem with society though, is that it recognizes all races except whites, as if whiteness isn’t a race at all, but the standard. success is whiteness in america. whiteness is success. it’s a shame.

ryn for “f*ck network news”: those people were militant patriots, mistaking my entry as a political statement. there is a political statement in there of course, but i was more referring to the carefully constructed fairytale mainstream press and entertainment portray. those people are right though. i don’t like bush. but i don’t like any of the other politicians either. winners or losers.

you’re really… familiar.

dunno, impulsive question…Salival was the motivation.

ryn: yeah, things like race specific scholarships and whatnot are initially beneficial to the individuals that receive them, but on a larger scale, they breed in dependance into minorities, keeping them in place. and yes, familiar is good. See Robert Run

ryn: freedom is a fleeting whisper, we must have endurance in order to keep within the sound’s range. oh, and see robert run is an aim sn. i realized that may have been right vague of me.
