Welcome to the Jungle ppl…

Ok, so this kinda is good and is at the same time, sucks big time. But, I hate to start off on a shitty note… I’m Sam, you may call me anything you want just not late to dinner ha!

OK so what is good and bad? My glasses, last year I got new glasses and everything was a-ok, til about a month ago… when the new glasses became blurry and made me get headaches… I didn’t have the same problem with the old glasses to a degree… See, I have cat’s eye glasses and a pair of Buddy Holly-esque ones. You can see the new glasses on my profile. I have an appt with the eye doc on Monday so… that’s awesome that they can take me in so soon. 😀

I’m thinking of getting an Angelfire website. I just had some fresh pineapple. Yum!!

Well.. g2g.


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