
I have a very well loved (albeit cracked all to hell) Amazon Fire tab that I will take pictures with when I don’t have my iPhone SE with me. I don’t use my iPad much, I mainly save that for New D and places that are mostly indoors… bc the Fire tab has spiderweb cracks, I can’t really take it anywhere in crappy weather.. obv. bc it will spark… right?

And so, I will put the pictures on my WP… which I was using until now. I guess I can still maintain it. I use it mainly for QOTD and pix like such…

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with the cameras.

Somewhere on this picture is a honeybee. 🙂

I’m a big sky picture taker… I’ve always been fascinated with clouds..

And we have such lovely blue skies too!

A heart shaped cloud even!

My baby sister Bees. ♥

Jackie Playter’s garden is renown everywhere in town as the best garden. 🙂

A gingko-biloba tree 😀

Two wayward flowers 😀

This next batch is from the iPad…

I like the gnarled tree here on Joe’s property. 😀

I have to hold the iPad in a very awkward way to take proper pix. These next are from when I forgot and held it wrong. This was also on Canada Day.

I love pugs. I caught a pic of a very happy yet tired one. 🙂

I think that this cocker spaniel was dazed by the bright sun. Or she was just smiling for my camera. ^^

Newmarket is defo a dog town. 😀 They even have their own lil festival called New’bark’et. :3

The ♥ of Main St.

Old City Hall

Lots of classic cars that day…

The local library…

My older sister Julz. 😀

That’s all for now. Incidentally, it’s only the iPad that does the vertical straight on.. my iPhone and Amazon Fire don’t do this. 😮


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