Being kind has its own consequence.

Being kind with others has its own consequence. People will tend to abuse your goodness. What hurts the most is you consider him as your friend even you already knew that he only choose to talk to you when he is in need – especially in financial matters. You remember the times when you were there for him after he had some trouble with his closest friend, you were there for him when he was at his lowest point of his life and you were there for him when his heart is broken. But when you asked his support for your on going work project, he can’t give a single help. You tried talking to him but he took it in a wrong way and doesn’t want to talk. You met him at the canteen so you nodded at him but he acted like he didn’t see you. And after you passed him by, you turned around and saw him smiling while approaching one of your friends and greeted her with a hug. Fuck!!!

But Im thankful that I saw his negative sides and realized how toxic he is. Now, I have a reason to finally cut him off from my life. No more ‘but’ or ‘what if’, I made up my mind, I will no longer let him enter into my life again!

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July 13, 2021

You get rid of the trash! 😀