Where’s the person with the pew pew?
It’s 4:40 am and I’m lying here thinking crap because I’m leaving this morning for the weekend across state and I forgot to pack last night. So, of course, my procrastination kicks in and I’m here in bed writing this. If someone held a gun to my head and said pack or die…peace out! I hope to see ya on the other side!
I’m traveling with my sister to watch my oldest nephew wrestle in college. This will be the only time I can watch him because they travel around the US and this weekend he’s in state which is still about a 7 hour drive from here. I will also be traveling with my oldest niece, my (basically, better be) adopted niece, (long story) and my youngest nephew. My sister has a lot of kids. 6 plus 2 she’s fostering. 21yrs to 4yrs old. She got a hysterectomy this past summer, thank you, Jesus!
I need to pack. Dammit. And shower. Try not to cry because I’m leaving Tank for the first time. I hope he doesn’t think I abandoned him.