3D printed guns sounds macabre

I know many people don’t care to know what’s going on in the news. For me, I do it to be aware of what is going on around me and also for documentation. How certain events progress or diminish. Why one event led to another event. Building some sort of a timeline to look back on if needed or capable to.


The man (or the fall guy) who shot and killed the CEO of United Health Care was found today at a McDonalds no less. Murdering someone and then being on the run must work up an appetite, I’m sure. Can’t resist those Ecoli infested quarter pounders. This case has seemed fishy to me. Something doesn’t feel like it adds up. What baffled me was how long he was able to be on the run with several surveillance footage on him and witnesses of the crime scene. What was interesting about this guy was the gun he used. According to the police, he used what’s called a “ghost gun”. It could have possibly been made using a 3D printer. It that’s true, can you imagine? The future of weaponry. Scary. There is more information about how, Luigi Mangione (26), came from a weathly family, went to an elite all boys private school, graduated as valedictictorian, and went on to attend the University of Pennslyvania with a bachelor’s and Master’s degree in computer science and mathematics. He seemed like a very intelligent and intriguing guy, but something snapped, I guess. If he’s even the actual guy who did it.

Israel has started bombing Syrian territory. They targeted three major airports and the capital, Damacus. It’s unclear at the moment if Israel now plans to take Syrian land by taking advantage of Syria’s vulnerable state by the opposition group overtaking the goverment. Apparently, Israel is taking back a piece of land they once owned in Syria that nobody else really knew that they owned. However, in doing so causes a breech in a ceasefire agreement that was made in 1974. Qatar, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia are calling this a “dangerous” land grab.

It looks like I may need to make an account on X soon.

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December 10, 2024

I share your puzzlement: I can’t fathom how you could use a printer to make a gun that fired real bullets.  Obviously I’m unclear on the concept — I can’t figure out how they can make duplicate human organs on one of those printers either.