your still here…part 2

Ok…where was I? oh right…I moved in with my sister out in Amityville, Long Island.  So, I was watching my nephews, Bryce, now 14 and Ethan, 11. It was cool but I was trying to get out!!! So, I was hanging out with a guy named Cisco…he was ok….he was Spanish and he loved to hang out…he was drinking and doing cocaine….( yeah….I was shocked) but I hung out with him. We slept together…but I didn’t think it would be serious. So, we were hanging out one night…I think it was a Saturday…we went to the Brooklyn Wine Yard. So I went to the bar and Cisco stated he had to go to the bathroom but order him a Heineken. So I went to the bar, sat down, and there was 2 guts looking at me. One of the guys stated, Oh wow…who are you? Damm you look good! I said thank you and I order drinks….the guy was like can I buy you a drink? I stated no, but thank you. This guy was so infatuated with me, he just stared at me….and staring at me. Then Cisco came back and was sitting next to me. It was hard not to look at him. Old school was playing and he was singing along… it was cute. The Cisco kept getting up and leaving me…talking to other people ( ladies) while I’m just sitting there. The guy was like, you seem lonely. I agreed with him….then we started to talk….and I got his number ( very bold!). Then something happened, I really can’t remember, then they both got into an argument. Then the guy and his friend left the bar because he was staring problems. Cisco knew everyone there so everyone took his side. Then we left but I was very impressed so, I called him the next day. He name is William…Will for short. We were talking all the phone all the time. I visited him in the Bronx. We so hit it off. We were talking for a month and he stated that I should live with him, I thought it was too soon…I thought were were rushing things. But I was there every weekend, plus I was working in the Bronx. So…a month later I moved there. We have had our ups and downs but we are STILL together! Its going on 3 years in October! But…I feel he needs therapy. He does lash out at me….he is very sarcastic and thinks he knows everything. I don’t argue with him but there are time I wanted to leave and go to my mom but I haven’t gone yet. But we shall see.

So, I’m here at my job….its OK. People here are just there. I am very friendly to people but there aren’t friendly to me.

Hold on….I have to go to work…I have a case! But I will write you at lunch!


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