you still here…part 3

Ok….so where was I? Oh yeah….people at my job.

So, I literally go to lunch by myself….I don’t have lunch with everyone. I was born by myself and I will die by myself! Everyone doesn’t like me. But who cares? I know this because every time I say Good morning, or Hello, they say…hi…or good morning but in an evil voice. I just keep my head up high and do what I have to do.

So, I was kind of friends with someone at work. I’ll say her name is “MH”. MH and I were sort of cool. We were always talking and making jokes. So recently, it was my other friend’s birthday ( last week). We can call him “R”. We all know that he is gay and that’s fine. We were trying to find a good spot to hang out. I stated that we can go to Lips…( a drag queen show). MH stated that would be perfect. Then MH stated hey maybe we can go to karaoke during the afternoon. I said great!! We booked the karaoke place at The Spot in the city. We booked it at 7pm. So ,we were all excited about that Saturday.  I got there first and I was waiting on them.  R came first and then MH. So, we had a good time singing and dancing! I bought drinks and MH bought the food. MH stated she paid $75 for the food. I said ok great. I said well I parked my car and I know that will cost $40 dollars, plus drinks, but it is R’s birthday. MH stated well that’s what you have to pay for taking your car to the city. I was like really? Ok. I let it slide. Then we were feeling good and then we left to go to Lips. MH was feeling some kind of way and she stated again, that’s what you have to pay for bringing your car to the city. MH was getting smart. R laughed. So, I said, but you want to ride home to the Bronx, don’t you? Then I walked off…why did MH and R were like oh she drunk leave… I was not drunk. I felt some kind of way. I felt that they were against me. I was beginning to think I was back in high school and they cool kids were talking about me. I said to myself ok, I will go to Lips, have a good time and then I will leave.  So….we got in a cab and we went to Lips. I did not say a word. MH and R were laughing having a good time. But I was silent… They did not include me in the convo…but that’s fine.  We got to Lips… they both left and I had to pay for the cab…$ 13 plus tip. Then we were waiting on the line. MH and R were having a good time, but I wasn’t saying much. We all sat down and enjoyed the show. It was good ( If your ever in NYC and want to see a show with drag queens, Lips is the best). Then we left. MH stated she will take an Uber home. I didn’t even give her the pleasure of saying anything to her. I did not say good bye to MH. I just got in a cab with R and left. I didn’t say much to R. I was mad at him too. Why does this have to be this why?  Beats me… But I got my car then left. I haven’t spoken to him since.

So I work with MH and on Monday I didn’t say anything to her. MH didn’t say anything to me. That’s fine. I can co exist with her. Its not going to stop me from having a check. MH’s desk is close to me. I don’t give two shits😠! I go about my business.  But I can see her looking at me watching me. Good! Take a look at me cuz you will never be me…. know this!!!

So this is my life….this is me

So stay tuned…there is more to come!!!


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