Types of Bitches…….

My Job is full of bitches. We have sneaky bitches, bitchy bitches, hoochie bitches, nosey bitches, mean bitches, and just plain bitches. There are more types but I just can’t think of them right now! Me…..I am just a plain bitch. I have good days and bitchy days. But I am not any of these types of bitches.( At least not at my Job!)  Let me just tell you. I hate nosey bitches. I think they are the majority at my job. My supervisor is a big one. She tries to be your friend but…..she is only looking to see if you would tell her anything she can use to gossip with her friends about. She is forever asking me questions about other co-workers. What kind of supervisor is that? You would think a 50 something year old woman would have better things to think/talk about…like maybe our job!! But she seems more interested in who is doing what. Then I have my co-workers who some of them I just don’t get along with. I know they think I’m a bitch because I don’t hang with them at lunch time and I don’t share every aspect of my life with them. One of them already told me I was a snotty bitch! (Oh another type of bitch!) I tell you…women are so competitive and mean to one another sometimes. It’s crazy.  I really never see men act the way we do. Men don’t care about how they look to each other or what they said about whatever and whatever.  So why do we do it??

I tell you I try not to have that "bitchy" mode on. But, some days, it turns on by itself!! Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get through the day!! But I am seriously trying to work on being nicer to others. It’s hard. I think this was one of my new years resolutions.

Well let me run.. I think I will actually try to do some paperwork before my client comes in…….Where did I put those pills again?????

Later days!


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February 8, 2006

It takes a bitch to know one. I am hardly ever bitchy.

February 8, 2006

haha this entry of yours is so funny. I don’t gossip about co-workers. I have too much to do at work. I wish I could be some kind of a bitch because a lot of times, I am just too nice (or scared?) to get bitchy about anything. You go work on being nice this year. I will work on getting to be a bitch! hahaha

February 8, 2006

I’m not a bitch. I’m sorry. I love you!

February 8, 2006

oh lord help me – I would go nuts. Thank god I didn’t work with any chicks like that – man

February 8, 2006

I guess Im an occasional Bitch…. or a bitch to the ones who are bitches to me…but I love your entry .. you are so right…women are competitive as hell..and I have a ghetto bitch, a snotty bitch, and a stuck up bitch at my work….Talk to ya soon!

February 8, 2006

I hate people who only seem to want to be friendly towards someone else just to get the latest gossip so they can spread it around. The time they spend doing that could be better spent by far. IMO, those types of women do that only because they are insecure about themselves and have to find something that makes them feel validated and knowing something about others does that. Have a great day!

February 8, 2006
February 9, 2006

hehe your entries always make me smile… take care <3 *hug*

February 9, 2006

Ha! Love from one bitch to another.. =) Women are just plain mean to eachother, I’ve always said if you can find a true girlfriend you are lucky!! I have lots of female friends but I only really trust 2 of them.. Take Care,