The Weekend….
Well..This weekend should be fun for my family….one, because it’s my nephew’s 4th birthday and we are having a party at some place like a chuck e. cheese but, not that big. It’s going to be for 14 kids and their parents. I am supper excited cuz my nephew is soooo cute. Love him sooo much. And two…it’s mother’s day!! I gotta get my sister and my mother something. I know…I’m all late with the gift. I’m probably going to get them flowers. They are simple like that…
So….I should have some fun with the family…however…..My Boyfriend will not be very happy this weekend. This is the first mother’s day with out his mother around. He is very very depressed, even though he doesn’t want to show it to me. We went out to dinner last night, my treat, and he was just not having a good time. Also, to make things worse, he had saved his mother’s last phone message on his answering machine and guess what?? It got erased. He called verizon to see if he could get it back, but they told him that there was nothing they could do. He became even more depressed. I had invited him to my nephew’s b-day party, but he just called me at work today and said that he doesn’t feel like going to celebrate anything. I know I can’t get mad at him. I just have to let him deal with it in his own way. I feel terrible that I can’t do anything for him. I will however, send his sister some flowers for mother’s day. She is a sweetheart and a very good mother. I think that day he is going up to his sister’s to be with her and his family. I would go, but I figured he needs time to be with his family alone. Plus my mom would be mad at me if I didn’t see her that day.
I tell you, life is crazy sometimes. But I hope his family gets through this tuff time together.
***RIP Mrs.B. and Happy Mother’s Day to you. I’m sure you are looking down on your family and your proud of them. You are definetly missed as each day goes by***
Also…Happy mommy’s Day to all of you mommies out there!! Enjoy YOUR day!!!
Take Care everyone….and Be Easy!!!!
Later Days….
Deej xoxoxoxoxo
Thank you – I hope it’s a good day for all the moms around here too. 🙂
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I hope your bf’s family gets through this together. It can be hard I’m sure. Enjoy your time with your family this weekend. Happy Mother’s Day to your Mom and sister!
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Im know what it feels not to be able to share a special day with the one you want. Not mothers day but me and my cuz share the same b-day and i dont want that day to ever come. Im sorry to hear that about the message though. i hope as each day passes it gets a little easier.
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awe that’s sad they lost the message :*(
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