The Sean Bell Verdict

Hey People……

I’m pretty disgusted about the Sean Bell Verdict today. All of the officers were acquitted….That man Sean Bell died for nothing. NOTHING! What a damm shame. I feel terrible for his family and friends. I mean like…damm…all of the officers are able to go home and go on with their lives. But as for the family and friends of Sean Bell, they have to deal with the loss…especially his wife and children. That man is gone….never to come back.

WOW….how do these same office go back and put on that uniform and say that they are going to protect and serve the public again?



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April 25, 2008

Hey now…cmon…the police say they were warning shots. All 50+ of them. What!? How dare you question the police! *gasp* you mean they’re not all out to protect and serve??? Yeesh. They should just drop the Justice and call it “The System”.

April 25, 2008

RYN: I’m devising a plan to break Blade outta prison. It’s all so perfect. All I need is a spatula, a porcupine, and 8lbs of raisin bran.

ryn: it’s really not that big of a deal. it only lasts about an hour, at least thats how long mine was. u shouldn’t worry too much about it. good luck!

April 25, 2008

RYN: Sure! we can work together. Maybe you can convince Macguyver to help? He kept refusing. I had to punch him in the head and tie him up in my basement. He’s being rather defiant.

ryn: that’s exactly how i thought when i came out of surgery lol 🙂

April 25, 2008

RYN: Thanks for your note..but im expected to “suck it up”. So its hard to really let anything out. i read your previous entry about your supervisor..thats pretty funny. Im mexican so the girl i work with tries to talk to me like a “chola”. Its amusing…..shes white too. Stupid people…..

April 26, 2008

Thanks for your note. If I was one of the cops, I’d put MYSELF in jail. In my uniform. Nuff said.