Teachers, Books, and Dirty Looks….

Hellooooooo again my fellow friends and readers… 

I am still trying to finish this application for school to recieve my 2nd maters in Public Administration. Man..it’s a lot. I had to call my old supervisor and ask her for a reference. She loved me. I had to get her to do it!! I hope she writes a good one. I really want to get back into school. I also have my current supervisor, you know "the troll", doing my second reference. She actually wrote a really good one. I was happy about that. Even though she can get on my nerves....I guess she likes me alot. I just can’t believe I am going back to school…dealing with all the trouble with doing papers, studying for test, and meeting new people. I’m not good at meeting people. I guess I come off as being bitchy. When I was getting my masters degree, I only had about 3 friends that I would study with. They seemed more like me…and they tolerated my sarcasim!! Hopefully I will meet people with the same interest as I do. I’m going to try and be more friendly….I said try….If people don’t like me then…well..you know where they can go...hahahahahaaa!!!

Well, I am at work today and I don’t feel like doing anything. I am tired and I had a semi-fight with my boyfriend last night. Why the hell did he call me and catch an attitude with me for not calling him?? Damm it! I was watching family guy, which comes on at 11:30pm here. He calls me at the end of the episode , bitching at me…"why didn’t you call me"??? I am like…what the hell, do you have alzheimers?? I spoke to his ass at like 10pm. Do I have to call him every hour?? Am I in jail and is he doing a bed check on me??? I got so pissed at him for talking to me like that. I just hung up. I was like…I am not going to deal with his possesive shit for the long haul. He better  not get on my "ghetto" side" before he catches a bullet!! Hahahahahaha....yeah, like I have a gun or even know how to use one!! But he called this morning and apologized for his craziness!! He is so damm stupid sometimes…but….Damm it I love that white man!!!

Oh..some of you guys wanted to know what kind of pills I take. Well, I have pain killers that I take on a daily basis. I have vicodine and percoset. Then I have anti-depressants…like prozac, or wellbutrine, celexa…just to name a few. But..if you read a past entry that I have called "sickle cell anemia sucks"  it explains why I take pain killers all the time.

Alrighty then….I am about to go and do some work. Don’t really want to, but I  have no choice. And you know what time it is right???? PILL Time…   YEAAAA!!

OK….talk to you guys soon..

Later Days…


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April 12, 2006

hugs you – I just LOVE to read your entries

April 12, 2006

Man, I can’t take vicodin… it makes me crazy cranky.

April 12, 2006

My brother is getting his second master’s. He is stressed out. I was on Paxil twice, not for very long each time. It used to make my hands shake and tremble all the time.

April 12, 2006

I could never go back to school. I hated nursing school, so much I only went for 2 years. Then went right to work.

April 12, 2006

I wish that I could back to school.

April 12, 2006

ooooooo sweet..thats awesome that you are going back to school..you’ll be awesome.. heh and ur little fight with your boi was cute..hehe…at least he apologized..thats good..:) take care <3

April 13, 2006

wow 2nd master yeah? Good for you. I am not applying right now. It is still in the back of my mind and we have so much going on right now I just can’t add anymore to it. Besides, I will have to think of how to pay for it and all. I really don’t want to have tudent loans heheh 🙂 and oh I am thinking between Social Work or Psychology or PA…any advice about Psychology? hehe

April 13, 2006

You don’t look like a kind of person that needs Prozac. Really…you sound perfectly happy to me 🙂

I got to go back to school, I’m already a LVN but I got to go 2 more years to become an RN, but I hate school so much that I’m thinking about just staying were I’m at…well good luck with everything!